Apache uses x509 pem/crt  files which is  is very different than a Tomcat system that uses keystores. You will follow these steps to copy, convert, and move the working…
About Self-Signed Certificates 自签证书.一个SSL证书,是加密网站的信息,并创建更安全的链接的一种方式.附加地,证书可以给网站浏览者显示VPS的的身份证明信息.如果一个SSC没有第三方证实,那么证书作者可以发行SSL证书,用以验证虚拟服务器的细节. Step One-Install Mod SSL 为了设置自签名证书,我们先要确保Apache和Mod SSL已经在VPS上安装.你可以通过下面的命令安装他们: yum install mod_ssl Step Two…
Prerequisites Before we get started, here are the web tools you need for this tutorial: Google Chrome browser Apache installed on your VPS (cloud server) A domain name you own Access to an email address at that domain, either: ho…
SSL certificate problem unable to get local issuer certificate 解决办法: 下载:ca-bundle.crt 将它放在自己的wamp或者xampp目录下,如 c:\wamp\ ca-bundle.crt 在Apache中开启mod_ssl ,在php.ini开启php_openssl.dll 在php.ini文件中添加ca-bundle.crt的文件路径,如: curl.cainfo="C:/wamp/ca-bundle.crt&qu…
Centos 64位 Install certificate on apache 即走https协议 一: 先要apache 请求ssl证书的csr 一下是步骤: 重要注意事项 An Important Note Before You Start 在生成CSR文件时同时生成您的私钥,如果您丢了私钥或忘了私钥密码,则颁发 证书给您后不能安装成功!您必须重新生成私钥和CSR文件,免费重新颁发新的 证书.为了避免此情况的发生,请在生成CSR后一定要备份私钥文件和记住私钥 密码,最好是在收到证书之前不要…
今天登陆vsphere web-client时候,报错如下: Failed to connect to VMware Lookup Service - SSL certificate verification failed. 放狗搜了下和自己测了下,根据问题类型有如下两种解决方案,我先说下如何去获取错误的详细信息,然后再给大家分别上两个解决办法. 1.获取错误日志 VSphere服务器进入%TE…
How to disable SSL certificate checking with Spring RestTemplate?(使用resttemplate访问https时禁用证书检查) ********************************************************************************************* I am trying to write an integration test where our test laun…
为什么要使用Letsencrypt做SSL certificate? 最简单直接的原因是免费.但是免费存在是否靠谱的问题,尤其是对安全要求比较高的网站,需要考虑使用letsencrypt的安全性是否符合你的标准.本文旨在介绍怎么使用letsencrypt做SSL certificate,或者说是letsencrypt学习笔记更适合,对其适用场景没有做过多研究. 从git上下载letsencrypt到服务器上 $ git clone…
Q: So the release of Windows Server 2012 has removed a lot of the old Remote Desktop related configuration utilities. In particular, there is no more Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration utility that gave you access to the RDP-Tcp properties dia…
转自: It’s coming up to a year since we launch our server monitoring iPhone application and so our Apple push notification SSL certificate is expiring in a fe…