$ ssh-add id_rsa_bitbucketCould not open a connection to your authentication agent. 运行: $ ssh-agent bash 然后: $ ssh-add id_rsa_bitbucketIdentity added: id_rsa_bitbucket (id_rsa_bitbucket) 就ok了…
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. 启动ssh-agent服务 eval `ssh-agent -s` 再运行 $ ssh-add Identity added: /c/Users/name/.ssh/id_rsa (/c/Users/name/.ssh/id_rsa) 参考链接:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178465…
How to add more to Git Bash on Windows Download the lastest wget binary for windows from https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ (they are available as a zip with documentation, or just an exe) If you downloaded the zip, extract all (if windows built i…
一,报错的现象: 1,提示信息: jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to add SSH key. Message [invalid privatekey: [B@60373f7] 如图: 2,系统环境: fedora 30 [root@localhost ~]# more /etc/redhat-release Fedora release 30 (Thirty) 内核 : [root@localhost ~]…
本篇体验Git Bash在Windows操作系统上的用法. 什么是Bash? 是一个Shell环境,Bourne Again Shell的缩写. 安装git for windows → http://git-for-windows.github.io/→ Download,选择一个合适的版本→ 安装→ 安装完后有Git Bash, Git CMD, 和 Git GUI这个三个应用程序→ 运行Git Bash,检查当前版本git version→ 退出exit 安装Notepad++ → note…
1. 概述 使用 git bash 在 windows 下创建软连接 或者叫 快捷方式 感谢 Tony 老师的帮助 Tony 的技术笔记 Windows 使用 ln -s 创建软链接 2. 问题 需求 使用 git bash(MINGW64) 在 windows 下创建 软连接 问题 git bash 的 ln -s, 是直接复制一个文件, 两者本质没有关联 windows 窗口创建的 快捷方式, git bash 又打不开 3. 解决 方案 使用 Windows Server 2003 Res…
在为windows 环境下的github账户添加SSH key时,需要在Git Bash执行如下命令: 第一步:检查已有的SSH keys $ ls -al ~/.ssh 第二步:生成新的SSH key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" # Creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label # Generating public/private rsa ke…
使用git, 下载客户端后想进行和github 进行ssh 互通 出现以下情况: hadoop@deng-PC MINGW32 ~/.ssh$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsaCould not open a connection to your authentication agent. 解决办法: [解决方法]需要ssh-agent启动bash,或者说把bash挂到ssh-agent下面. [具体方法] islue@localhost $ ssh-agent bash --logi…
git:could not open a connection to your authentication agent   错误: vagrant@homestead:~/Code/sample$ git push -u origin master git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey).   fatal: Could not read from remote repository.   Please make sure you have t…
Download Git for windows Open Git Bash Type in "ssh-keygen -t rsa", and then press Enter button three times You can find the public key in the "file id_rsa.pub" which located in C:/Users/yourname/.ssh/ Login your GitLab account, go to…