RabbitMQ installation】的更多相关文章

以windows环境测试 Erlang http://www.erlang.org/downloads 下载并安装 运行时软件 Erlang OTP 21.3 Windows 64-bit Binary File (92618042) RabbitMQ https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-windows.html 下载并安装 运行时软件 RabbitMQ nstaller for Windows systems (from GitHub, recommended)…
我对rabbitmq学习还不深入,这些翻译仅仅做资料保存,希望不要误导大家. With exchanges, bindings, and queues under your belt, you might think you have all the coolness that is Rabbit figured out. But if you’ve played around much with Rabbit, you know there’s one nagging concept we h…
# RabbitMq related Integration of message queuing tools with systems is the usual solution to handle high concurrency in web platforms, there are several queues to choose from, but most often used is an opensource tool written in ErLang. ErLang is sa…
转自:http://lostechies.com/derekgreer/2012/03/18/rabbitmq-for-windows-hello-world-review/ 我的心得: 1. 在创建ConnectFactory时,我们可以传入主机名.端口号.用户名/密码.虚拟Host等参数. 2. 也可以使用ampq://用户名:密码@主机名:端口号/%2f 3. Channel是轻量级的TCP/IP连接, 而Connection是非常Expensive的. 4. 消息不是直接发到Queue的…
转自:http://lostechies.com/derekgreer/2012/03/05/rabbitmq-for-windows-introduction/ RabbitMQ for Windows: Introduction Posted by Derek Greer on March 5, 2012 If you’re interested in getting started with distributed programming and you develop on the Mi…
RabbitMQ 配置 一.RabbitMQ 配置修改方式 1.修改环境变量 2.修改配置文件(只介绍这个) 3.修改运行时参数和政策 locate rabbitmq vi /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@10-10-43-207.log-20160918 说明我尚未添加配置文件,采用的默认配置启动的 RabbitMQ 还有一个地方可以看到有无添加配置文件(rabbitmq_management,见下图) 二.配置项 Key Documentation tcp_listener…
RabbitMq 技术文档 目录 1 AMQP简介 2 AMQP的实现 3 RabbitMQ简介 3.1 概念说明 3.2 消息队列的使用过程 3.3 RabbitMQ的特性 4 RabbitMQ使用向导 5 官网提供的几种工作方式(教程) 5.1 Hello World 5.2 工作队列 5.3 发布/订阅 5.4 路由选择 (Routing) 5.5 主题(Topic) 5.6 RPC 6 消息的可靠传递 6.1 连接失败的处理 6.2 服务器的可靠性 6.3 生产者的可靠性 6.4 消费者…
Install Erlang from the Erlang Solutions repository or Follow the instructions under "Installation using repository" at Erlang Solutions. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Key : rpm --import http://packages.erlang-solutions.…
在Windows上安装Rabbit MQ 指南,最好的是这篇<Rabbit MQ Windows Installation guide>,其中还包括了使用.NET RabbitMQ.Client Nuget 包访问Rabbit MQ的示例代码. 安装Rabbit MQ Rabbit MQ 是建立在强大的Erlang OTP平台上,因此安装Rabbit MQ的前提是安装Erlang.通过下面两个连接下载安装3.2.3 版本: 下载并安装 Eralng OTP For Windows (vR16B…
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