No live SolrServers available to handle this request , no servers hosting shard 当某一片索引对应的结点全部宕了以后,会报这个异常. "error": { "msg": "no servers hosting shard: ", "code": 503 } 需要在请求上加上: params.setParam("shards.tolerant…
原因: haproxy 对server检测时是对默认页面进行检测,如果没有默认错误,则直接报503错误,不会转发到相应的server上去. 解决方法: 添加 option httpchk 检测页面位置如:/login/login.jsp.…
grep image /root/kubernetes-metrics-server/kubernetes-metrics-server/metrics-server-deployment.yaml # mount in tmp so we can safely use from-scratch images and/or read-only containers image: imagePullPolicy: Alw…
SolrDispatchFilter的作用 This filter looks at the incoming URL maps them to handlers defined in solrconfig.xml 将请求的url映射到solrconfig.xml定义的handler上. 该过滤器的doFilter方法主题: HttpSolrCall call = getHttpSolrCall((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse…
引导:适用于各种注册服务,zookeeper和被注册的服务器不在同一ip上,产生的注册了127.0.0.1本地ip地址 在使用solr集群操作的时候,报了如下的错误 org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException: No live SolrServers available to handle this request:[,,…
状态 2014-08-20 10:46:22,356 INFO [coreZkRegister-1-thread-1] [] - Was waiting for replicas to come up, but they are taking too long - assuming they won't come back till later 2014-08-20 10:46:22,357 INFO…
CloudSolrClient是solrj提供的客户端与solrCloud交互的类.该类的实例与zookeeper进行通信来确定solrCloud collections中的solr endpoint,然后使用LBHttpSolrClient发送请求. CloudSolrClient查询简单代码: import; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import…
关于 Solr Cloud Zookeeper 入门,介绍 原理 原封不动转自 ,文章的内存有些过时,但是了解原理. This page is outdated and you should read about SolrCloud at the Solr Reference Guide instead:…
As you know, I've been playing with Solr lately, trying to see how feasible it would be to customize it for our needs. We have been a Lucene shop for a while, and we've built our own search framework around it, which has served us well so far. The ra…