执行mysql命令查询时: select * from table_name错误信息如: [Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY claus…
执行sql: SELECT * FROM `user_link` WHERE `group_id` IN ('78', '79') GROUP BY `link_id` 报错: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'user_link.group…
报错内容:sql  1093 - You can't specify target table 'u' for update in FROM clause 错误原因: if you're doing an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE on a table, you can't reference that table in an inner query 解决方法: (you can however reference a field from that outer table...…
解决MySQL报错:1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'informat 转自:https://blog.csdn.net/HaHa_Sir/article/details/80503601 2018年05月29日 23:10:52 HaHa_Sir 阅读数:2930     解决MySQL报错:[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER B…
今天1网友,查询报错ERROR: No query specified,随后它发来截图. root case:查询语法错误 \G后面不能再加分号;,由于\G在功能上等同于;,假设加了分号,那么就是;;(2个分号),SQL语法错误 备注:MySQL学习时.最好先去仔细致细.掌握基础:…
mybatis查询mysql,group by分组查询报错:Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column mysql版本是5.7 1.导致出错的sql语句是: <select id="findScNumByTime" parameterType="com.pisen.cloud.luna.ms.security.code.api.beans…
mysql执行报错: - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_fu…
myBatis查询报错 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near <select id="selectList" parameterType="com.hanilucky.core.vo.Dep" resultMap="Base…
使用mysql在执行一条插入语句时 , ', "hhh"); 报错:Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompat…
mysql安装参考教程:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37350706/article/details/81707862 安装完毕后 执行sql语句 SELECT * FROM court_info GROUP BY second_court_name HAVING COUNT(second_court_name) > 1 报错 [Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause an…