POJ1019-Number Sequence-数数。。】的更多相关文章

Number Sequence DescriptionA single positive integer i is given. Write a program to find the digit located in the position i in the sequence of number groups S1S2...Sk. Each group Sk consists of a sequence of positive integer numbers ranging from 1 t…
Number Sequence Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 36256   Accepted: 10461 Description A single positive integer i is given. Write a program to find the digit located in the position i in the sequence of number groups S1S2..…
Write a program to find the nth super ugly number. Super ugly numbers are positive numbers whose all prime factors are in the given prime list primes of sizek. For example, [1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 19, 26, 28, 32] is the sequence of the first 12 s…
Write a program to find the n-th ugly number. Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5. Example: Input: n = 10 Output: 12 Explanation: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 is the sequence of the first 10 ugly numbers. Note…
Write a program to find the nth super ugly number. Super ugly numbers are positive numbers whose all prime factors are in the given prime list primes of size k. Example: Input: n = 12, primes = [2,7,13,19] Output: 32 Explanation: [1,2,4,7,8,13,14,16,…
hihoCoder #1432 : JiLi Number(吉利数) 时间限制:1000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB Description - 题目描述 Driver Ji likes the digit "1". He has an accumulator which shows the sum of input number. He lists all of positive number no more than N and starts counting…
package com.code; public class Test05_1 { public static int solution(int A, int B, int K) { // handle 6,8,7 condition // handle 6,11,2 condition // handle 7,12,3 condition if(A%K==0){ return (B-A)/K + 1; }else{ int start = A+(K-A%K); if(start>B){ //…
Given a non-empty array of integers, every element appears three times except for one, which appears exactly once. Find that single one. Note: Your algorithm should have a linear runtime complexity. Could you implement it without using extra memory?…
A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down). Find all strobogrammatic numbers that are of length = n. For example,Given n = 2, return ["11","69","88","96"…
A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down). Write a function to count the total strobogrammatic numbers that exist in the range of low <= num <= high. For example,Given low = "50&qu…