1. Sigmoid Function In Logisttic Regression, the hypothesis is defined as: where function g is the sigmoid function. The sigmoid function is defined as: 2.Cost function and gradient The cost function in logistic regression is: the gradient of the cos…
(1) How to comput the Cost function in Univirate/Multivariate Linear Regression; (2) How to comput the Batch Gradient Descent function in Univirate/Multivariate Linear Regression; (3) How to scale features by mean value and standard deviation; (4) Ho…
Handwritten digits recognition (0-9) Multi-class Logistic Regression 1. Vectorizing Logistic Regression (1) Vectorizing the cost function (2) Vectorizing the gradient (3) Vectorizing the regularized cost function (4) Vectorizing the regularized gradi…
源码:https://github.com/cheesezhe/Coursera-Machine-Learning-Exercise/tree/master/ex5 Introduction: In this exercise, you will implement regularized linear regression and use it to study models with different bias-variance properties. 1. Regularized Lin…
1. Feedforward and cost function; 2.Regularized cost function: 3.Sigmoid gradient The gradient for the sigmoid function can be computed as: where: 4.Random initialization randInitializeWeights.m function W = randInitializeWeights(L_in, L_out) %RANDIN…
整理自Adrew Ng 的 machine learning课程week3 目录: 二分类问题 模型表示 decision boundary 损失函数 多分类问题 过拟合问题和正则化 什么是过拟合 如何解决过拟合 正则化方法 1.二分类问题 什么是二分类问题? 垃圾邮件 / 非垃圾邮件? 诈骗网站 / 非诈骗网站? 恶性肿瘤 / 非恶性肿瘤? 用表达式来表示:$y\in\left \{ 0,1 \right \}$, \begin{Bmatrix} 0& : & nagetive &…
Machine Learning/Introducing Logistic Function 打算写点关于Machine Learning的东西, 正好也在cnBlogs上新开了这个博客, 也就更新在这里吧. 这里主要想讨论的是统计学习, 涵盖SVM, Linear Regression等经典的学习方法. 而最近流行的基于神经网略的学习方法并不在讨论范围之内. 不过以后有时间我会以Deep Learning为label新开一个系列, 大概写写我的理解. 总之Machine Learning的la…
CS229 Machine Learning Stanford Course by Andrew Ng Course material, problem set Matlab code written by me, my notes about video course: https://github.com/Yao-Yao/CS229-Machine-Learning Contents: supervised learning Lecture 1 application field, pre-…
Machine Learning Lab1 打算把Andrew Ng教授的#Machine Learning#相关的6个实验一一实现了贴出来- 预计时间长度战线会拉的比較长(毕竟JOS的7级浮屠还没搞定.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 实验内容: 线性拟合 实验材…
Question 1 Consider the problem of predicting how well a student does in her second year of college/university, given how well they did in their first year. Specifically, let x be equal to the number of "A" grades (including A-. A and A+ grades)…