jquery和angular都有defer服务,我暂以angular为例谈谈我的理解,最后并附上jquery的阮一峰总结的defer. 以我目前项目的部分代码为例说明为什么要用deferred. function getBase64(img){//传入图片路径,返回base64 function getBase64Image(img,width,height) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width =…
传送门 Description Byteasar is addicted to the English letter 'q'. Now he comes across a string S consisting of lowercase English letters. He wants to find all the continous substrings of S, which only contain the letter 'q'. But this string is really r…
Q查询——对对象的复杂查询F查询——专门取对象中某列值的操作 Q查询1.Q对象(django.db.models.Q)可以对关键字参数进行封装,从而更好地应用多个查询,例如: from django.db.models import Q from login.models import New #models对象 news=New.objects.filter(Q(question__startswith='What')) 2.可以组合使用&,|操作符,当一个操作符是用于两个Q的对象,它产生一个…