
TVM性能评估分析(七) Figure 1.  Performance Improvement Figure 2.  Depthwise convolution Figure 3.  Data Fusion Figure 4.  Data Fusion(2) Figure 5.  Shared memory can be seen as cache in GPU. It is on-chip and much faster than global memory. Figure 6.   Shar…
TVM性能评估分析(六) Figure 1.  The workflow of development PC, compile, deploy to the device, test, then modify the codes again to see whether it accelerates. Figure 2.   The Android APP takes shared library as input and runs compiled functions on the mobil…
TVM性能评估分析(五) Figure 3.  A futher speed up with operator fusion Table 1.  Performance issue of cuBLAS' batch matmul Table 2.  Finding the best combination of number_thread. The results are obtained on a NVIDIA M40 GPU device with CUDA8.0. Figure 4.  D…
TVM性能评估分析(四) Figure 1.  Efficient Privacy-Preserving ML Using TVM Figure 2.  Motivation: Privacy-Preserving ML Figure 3.  Backend Figure 4. Differential privacy (DP) provides a formal guarantee that models trained on similar datasets are indistinguis…
TVM性能评估分析(三) Figure 1. TVM's WebGPU backend close to native GPU performance when deploying models to the web. Figure 2.  WebGPU is to write shaders for primitive operators in deep neural networks Figure 3.  Build a WebGPU runtime inside TVM's JS runt…
TVM性能评估分析(二) Figure 1.  A bird's eye view of the µTVM + AutoTVM infrastructure Figure 2.  A standard µTVM setup, where the host communicates with the device via JTAG. Figure 3.  The performance results of MicroTVM Figure 4. Improved performance by ~2…
TVM性能评估分析(一) System Overview AutoTVM vs Auto-scheduler Table 1. Workflow Comparision Figure 1. Search Process Overview Figure 2. Code Performance Comparision (Higher is better) Figure 3. Search Time Comparision (Lower is better) Figure 4. The expecte…
Linux性能分析:生产环境服务器变慢,诊断思路和性能评估 一.整机:top 二.CPU:vmstat 所有CPU核信息 每个进程使用CPU的用量分解信息 三.内存:free 四.硬盘:df 五.磁盘IO:iostat 六.网络IO:ifstat 七.生产环境出现CPU占用过高,分析思路和定位 先用top命令找出CPU占比最高的 ps -ef或者jps进一步定位 定位到具体线程或者代码 线程ID转换为16进制格式(英文小写格式) jstack 进程ID|grep tid(16进制线程ID小写英文…
一.索引概述      索引(index),它是数据库必不可少的一部分.它其实很简单呐!很好理解.      索引好比如一本书的目录,一张地图,一个写字楼里挂在大堂墙上的公司名录,一个地铁站的出口指示牌.      关系型数据库技术的精髓就是通过关系表进行规范化的数据存储,并通过各种表连接技术和各种类型的索引技术来进行信息的检索和处理.合理的索引策略将保证各种操作的高效和快捷,没有合理的索引,将不得不按表进行全部遍历,这意味着退回到文件系统的处理方式,更意味着资源.时间的大量消耗.     二.…
一 linux服务器性能查看 1.1 cpu性能查看 1.查看物理cpu个数: cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "physical id"|sort|uniq|wc -l 2.查看每个物理cpu中的core个数: cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "cpu cores"|wc -l 3.逻辑cpu的个数: cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "processor"|wc -l 物理cpu个数*核数=逻辑c…