Generate stabilized PWM signals】的更多相关文章

A standard technique for generating analog voltages using µCs is to use a PWM output and filter the signal with a simple RC filter (Figure 1). The voltage of the PWM signal is directly proportional to the µC's supply voltage, so it is not necessarily…
How do you generate complementary PWM Outputs? I would like to generate complementary PWM Outputs with adjustable dead time. According to the STM32F401RE Microcontroller datasheet,…
STM32F103ZET6里共有8个定时器,其中高级定时器有TIM1-TIM5.TIM8,共6个.这里需要使用定时器的级联功能,ST的RM0008 REV12的P388和P399页上有说明对于特定的定时器,怎么去选择级联功能,参见表86.我这里输出PWM的定时器是TIM2,空闲的定时器是TIM3.以TIM2为主定时器,TIM3为从定时器对TIM2的输出脉冲数进行计数.查表可知,TIM3为从定时器选择TIM2为触发源,需要配置TS=001,即选择ITR1.实现通过定时器控制输出PWM个数的功能,可…
STM32F103ZET6 用定时器级联方式输出特定数目的PWM STM32F103ZET6里共有8个定时器,其中高级定时器有TIM1-TIM5.TIM8,共6个. 这里需要使用定时器的级联功能,ST的RM0008 REV12的P388和P399页上有说明对于特定的定时器,怎么去选择级联功能,参见表86. 我这里输出PWM的定时器是TIM2,空闲的定时器是TIM3.以TIM2为主定时器,TIM3为从定时器对TIM2的输出脉冲数进行计数. 查表可知,TIM3为从定时器选择TIM2为触发源,需要配置…
platform:stm32f10xxx lib:STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0 前言 在做三相逆变的时候,需要软件生成SVPWM波形,具体的算法需要产生三对互补的PWM,这样可以驱动六个开关元件,stm32f103中的TIM1高级定时器支持产生三路互补PWM波形,下面进一步学习. PWM产生的原理 TIM1的OC模块,可以产生PWM波形,具体步骤: 寄存器TIMx CNT每过一个时钟周期就会加1: 然后TIMx CNT的值与TIMx CCER进行比较: 最终改变O… An example of a basic timer is illustrated in Figure 10.1. This timer has four components – a controller, a prescaler (PSC), an “auto-reload” register (ARR) and a counter (CNT). The function of the prescal…
1. Requirements To generate a PWM output, we need to create a train of pulses with constant period and variable duty cycle. The duty cycle, being the modulation is the pulse width. Typically, a timer is used to maintain both the period and duty cycle… Many embedded-microcontroller applications require generation of analog signals. An integrated or stand-alone DAC fills the role. However, you can often use PWM si…
Low-cost, 8-bit, single-chip microcontrollers are stingy when it comes to on-chip PWM (pulse-width-modulation) resources. The use of a PWM resource often forces a designer to sacrifice a capture/compare or timer channel because the PWM channel shares…
[TI博客大赛][原创]LM3S811之基于PWM的DAC One-bit DAC Take one pin of an FPGA, connect a speaker and listen to an MP3? Easy. Here, we'll use a PC to decode an MP3, and then s…