Sign and magnitude,Ones' complement and Two's complement…
原题链接 原题 Given a positive integer, output its complement number. The complement strategy is to flip the bits of its binary representation. Note: The given integer is guaranteed to fit within the range o…
C语言的本质(3)--整数的本质与运算 计算机存储的最小单位是字节(Byte),一个字节通常是8个bit.C语言规定char型占一个字节的存储空间.如果这8个bit按无符号整数来解释,则取值范围是0~255,如果按有符号整数来解释,则取值范围是-128~127.C语言规定了signed和unsigned两个关键字,unsigned char型表示无符号数,signed char型表示有符号数. 对于char类型,编译器可以定义char型是无符号的,也可以定义char型是有符号的,在该编译器所对应…
Introduction Computer Network: hosts, routers, communication channels Hosts run applications Routers forward information Packets: sequence of bytes contain control information e.g. destination host Protocolis an agreement: meaning of packets structur…
Executing a Next Instruction Access Intent instruction by a computer. The processor obtains an access intent instruction indicating an access intent. The access intent is associated with an operand of a next sequential instruction. The access intent…
转载地址: char 和 unsigned char是无符号的 两者都作为字符用的话是没有区别的,但当整数用时有区别:  char 整数范围为-128到127( 0x80__0x7F),  而unsigned char 整数范围为0到255( 0__0xFF ) 多数情况下,char ,signed char .unsigned char 类型的数据具…
赋值: ruby支持并行赋值,即允许在赋值表达式中出现多余一个值和多于一个的变量: x,y=1,2a,b=b,ax,y,z=[1,2,3] (python同样可以正常上面的语句). Methods in Ruby are allowed to return more than one value, and parallel assignmentis helpful in conjunction with such methods. For example:# Define a method to…
Java™语言规范第 5 版向 java.lang.Math和 java.lang.StrictMath添加了 10 种新方法,Java 6 又添加了 10 种.这个共两部分的系列文章的 第 1 部分介绍了很有意义的新的数学方法.它提供了在还未出现计算机的时代中数学家比较熟悉的函数.在第 2 部分中,我主要关注这样一些函数,它们的目的是操作浮点数,而不是抽象实数. 就像我在 第 1 部分中提到的一样,实数(比如 e或 0.2)和它的计算机表示(比如 Java double)之间的区别是非常重要的…
IEEE 754-1985 was an industry standard for representing floating-point numbers in computers, officially adopted in 1985 and superseded in 2008 by IEEE 754-2008. During its 23 years, it was the most widely used format for floating-point computation. I…
1. toString()来源 2. toString()目的 3. toString()实现(JDK8) 1. toString()来源 源于java.lang.Object类,源码如下: /** * Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the * {@code toString} method returns a string that * "textually represents" this ob…