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Atitit learn by need 需要的时候学与预先学习知识图谱路线图 1. 体系化是什么 架构 知识图谱路线图思维导图的重要性11.1. 体系就是架构21.2. 只见树木不见森林21.3. 知识图谱路线图的优点优点需要的21.4. 思维导图 大纲性 集成化22. 文字化>>表格化>>脚本化,可视化23. 如何体系化23.1. 分类,单根继承23.2. 一点带线,以线带面23.3. 纵向,横向抽象拓展23.4. 拓展和应用23.5. 以点带面,全方位网状  拓展33.6.…
Python 爬取所有51VOA网站的Learn a words文本及mp3音频 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Python 爬取所有51VOA网站的Learn a words文本及mp3音频 import os import sys import time import urllib as req from threading import Thread import urllib2 import urllib from thre…
文章来源:   Learn Vim Progressively   TL;DR: You want to teach yourself vim (the best text editor known to human kind) in the fastest way possible. This is my way of doing it. You start by l… can't avoid office politics'll never have a job which you "can't quit" - if you are being mistreated,exploited or under-appreciated...LEAVE.You'll eventuslly find another job(although it may not be a better one) learn by listen…
没做出来 第四题 (List)写一个函数reverseList,该函数能够接受一个List,然后把该List 倒序排列. 例如: List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(“Hello”); list.add(“World”); list.add(“Learn”); //此时list 为Hello World Learn reverseList(list); //调用reverseList 方法之后,list 为Learn World Hello package…
Learn RxJava How the New York Times is building its Android app with Groovy/RxJava by Mohit Pandey…
It has been a long time that I haven't dealt with my blog. On one hand I was preparing the exams.On the other hand I just learn more things and take some documents at local PC. As a result, I begin to learn Lisp as planned. 2.10 Variables let ; defin…
I have planed to learn Python for many times. I have started to learn Python for many times . However, I can't use it fluently up to now. Now I know I was wrong. I just tried to remember the syntax and took notes on paper with little practice. Now I…
十分钟入门less(翻译自:Learn lESS in 10 Minutes(or less)) 注:本文为翻译文章,因翻译水平有限,难免有缺漏不足之处,可查看原文. 我们知道写css代码是非常枯燥的,尤其是写重复颜色.样式的代码,这需要我们付出很多努力来保持css代码可维护,但是它本不应该是这样的. 很幸运地是,web开发社区已经解决了这个问题,我们在现在已经有了类似与less.sass和stylus这样的预处理器.它们有很多优于一般的css之处,如下所示: 变量---以至于我们可以在样式表中…
1.Practice 2.memory every week for from working memory to long tern memory 3.sleep 4.running promote general new neuron and get some new idea and take notes or write it down avoid forget 5.share and discuss with some people or expert a lot of…