Dash Speed Online Judge:NOIP2016十联测,Claris#2 T3 Label:好题,分治,并查集按秩合并,LCA 题目描述 比特山是比特镇的飙车圣地.在比特山上一共有 n 个广场,编号依次为 1 到 n,这些广场之间通过 n − 1 条双向车道直接或间接地连接在一起,形成了一棵树的结构. 因为每条车道的修建时间以及建筑材料都不尽相同,所以可以用两个数字 li, ri 量化地表示一条车道 的承受区间,只有当汽车以不小于 li 且不大于 ri 的速度经过这条车道时,才不…
代码的美妙 #include <bits/stdc++.h> %:pragma GCC optimize(3) using namespace std; const int maxn=7e4+10; int n,m; int ans[maxn]; pair<int,int> tree[maxn]; struct Edge{ int from,to,nxt; }e[maxn<<1]; inline int read(){ int x=0;bool fopt=1;char…
A: Divisors 题意:给定 m 个不同的正整数 a 1 ,a 2 ,...,a m ,请对 0 到 m 每一个 k 计算,在区间 [1,n] 里有多少正整数 是 a 中恰好 k 个数的约数. n,ai<=10^9,m<=200 做法:每个数的约数个数为sqrt(n)级别的,所以一共有msqrt(ai)个,对于计算答案,用哈希表判重计算即可. B:Market 题意:在比特镇一共有 n 家商店,编号依次为 1 到 n.每家商店只会卖一种物品,其中第 i 家商店的物品 单价为 c i ,价…
J. FatMouse's Speed FatMouse believes that the fatter a mouse is, the faster it runs. To disprove this, you want to take the data on a collection of mice and put as large a subset of this data as possible into a sequence so that the weights are incre…
FatMouse's Speed Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 13194 Accepted Submission(s): 5807Special Judge Problem Description FatMouse believes that the fatter a mouse is, the faster i…
FatMouse's Speed Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 14980 Accepted Submission(s): 6618 Special Judge Problem Description FatMouse believes that the fatter a mouse is, the faster…
Speed Up Tracking by Ignoring Features CVPR 2014 Abstract:本文提出一种特征选择的算法,来实现用最"精简"的特征以进行目标跟踪.重点是提出一种上界 (Upper Bound)来表示一块区域包含目标物体的概率,并且忽略掉这个 bound比较小的区域.我们的实验表明,忽略掉 90%的特征,仍然取得了不错的结果(未损失精度). Ignoring Features in Tracking . 基于滑动窗口的跟踪器,计算大量的 bound…
原链接地址:http://www.artzstudio.com/2016/07/website-speed-optimization-guide-for-google-pagespeed-rules/ Website Speed Optimization Guide for Google PageSpeed Rules By Dave Artz 1 week ago 6 534 0 Page Speed/Site speed is termed as the speed with w…
LPC4370 ACDHS speed AHB clock BASE_M4_CLK CLK_M4_ADCHS up to 204 MHz. For register interface. ADCHS clock BASE_ADCHS_CLK CLK_ADCHS up to 80MHz For conversion rate. How do I set up the BASE_M4_CLK or the AHB clocks for high speed ADC? How do I verify…