Can't bind to local 8630 for debugger 表明本地8630端口被占用 1.Windows平台 在windows命令行窗口下执行: 1.查看所有的端口占用情况 C:\>netstat -ano 协议    本地地址                     外部地址               状态                   PID TCP              LISTENING…
[2016-02-15 22:37:17 - ddms] Can't bind to local 8700 for debugger报错和解决 1.打开studio monitor是出错: Can't bind to local 8700 for debugger 2.netstat -apn |grep 8700(或者netstat -apo|findstr 8700)查询,得到的结果是: tcp6 0 0  :::*     LISTEN   3665/java…
For some reason eclipse DDMS always gives the error 'Can't bind to local 86XX for debugger' every time I try and debug my app. This just started today for some reason. I have looked at many posts and tried what they have suggested such as: 1. Adding…
[DDMS] Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger 改成 Under Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS: Set Base local debugger port to "" Check the box that says "Use ADBHOST" and the value should be ""…
[DDMS] Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger 改成 Under Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS: Set Base local debugger port to "" Check the box that says "Use ADBHOST" and the value should be ""…
问题原因: 电脑上同时安装了Eclipse 和Android Studio两个ide. 关键是使用eclipse adb连接真机时候,android studio也处于运行状态,后者默认也是要连接adb 所以导致eclipse连接真机时,adb始终处于被占用状态. 解决办法: 关闭android studio 如果没有安装Android Studio 解决办法: 在任务管理器中把adb进程杀掉 重启虚拟机和eclipse…
修改8600为8601,并且勾上Use ADBHOST…
今天在搬瓦工上使用mysql 命令行,总报一个这样的错:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/xxxxx/mysql.sock',一开始很郁闷,回来经过查找资料,解决了这个问题. 当在本地系统连接到mysql服务器的时候,mysql 客户端通过一个叫做"socket"的本地文件进行连接,而不是通过本地环回接口(loopback)进行连接.这个文件,默认情况下,客户端会去/var/lib/mysql/m…
最近发现centos7 的/etc/rc.local不会开机执行,于是认真看了下/etc/rc.local文件内容的就发现了问题的原因了 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 #!/bin/bash # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # # It is highly advisable to create own systemd services or udev rules # to run scripts during…
解决Python报错:local variable 'xxx' referenced before assignment(引) 解决Python报错:local variable 'xxx' referenced before assignment(引)   这个问题很囧,在外面定义了一个变量 xxx ,然后在python的一个函数里面引用这个变量,并改变它的值,结果报错local variable 'xxx' referenced before assignment,代码如下: view pl…