python3+selenium使用浏览器IE的时候,老是报错: Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. Protected Mode settings are not the same for all zones 这个错误,更改IE的internet选项->安全,将Internet/本地Internet/受信任的站定/受限制的站点中的启用"保护模式"全部去掉勾,或者全部勾上,即可.…
同时安装Python2与Python3,安装第三方包,老是报错提示Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"',那可能是环境变量有冲突了. 解决办法: 是在环境变量Path中上下移调整两个"PythonX/Scripts"位置,使之位于前两位(哪个版本常用就靠前): 是使用另一种命令python3 -m pip install requests来安装.…
配置MySQL主从复制报错 ``` Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server ids; these ids must be different for replication to work (or the --replicate-same-server-id option must be used on slave but thi…
zookeeper报错 Connection refused: no further information 这是在linux 启动 具体异常信息: Connection refused: no further information at…