There are a couple of ways in WPF to make an image pop out when moving mouse over it. Of course we want the image to pop out smoothly, so in this quick rundown we're going to use the following animation storyboards: <!-- This storyboard will make the…
We use Redis on Spark to cache our key-value pairs.This is the code: import com.redis.RedisClient val r = new RedisClient("", 6379) val perhit = => { val arr = x.split(" ") val readId = arr(0).toInt val…
1. raise ValueError(_('title'),_('message')) 2.raise except_orm(_('title'),_('message'))…
在WPF里弹出菜单是用Popup,你那个右键的是上下文菜单(也就是快捷菜单). <Grid> <Button x:Name="BtnPop" Width="100" Height="30" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Content="Popup" Click="BtnPop_Cl…
  To save a visual to an image file need to use RenderTargetBitmap, detail is reference to Save and read images in WPF. But sometimes you will find the output image was shifted or left blank. This is because that RenderTargetBitmap render the visual…
So far, we worked with styles by setting a static value for a specific property. However, using triggers, you can change the value of a given property, once a certain condition changes. Triggers come in multiple flavors: Property triggers, event trig…
引言 本文就WPF中的ListBox常用项给以实例代码演示,包括隐蔽属性的设置,Style设置,以及ControlTemplate的自定义.   Listbox平滑滚动 <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ActorList}" Width="300" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="False"/> 或者 <ListBox.Template> <Control…
What is WPF? WPF (Windows Presentation foundation) is a graphical subsystem for displaying user interfaces, documents, images, movies etc in windows application. What is the need of WPF when we had windows forms? Hide    Copy Code Remember: - ABCDEFG…
DrawingContext比较类似WinForm中的Graphics 类,是基础的绘图对象,用于绘制各种图形,它主要API有如下几种: 绘图API 绘图API一般形为DrawingXXX系列,常用的基础的绘图API有: DrawEllipse DrawGeometry DrawGlyphRun DrawImage DrawRectangle DrawRoundedRectangle 这些和GDI的API是非常相似的,WPF的API中另外还都有一个带动画的版本,不过一般很少用. 另外还有两个相对…
一.前言       上回说到需要做放视频的使用向导,这两天公司里的老司机一直帮我答疑解惑,让这个任务变得挺顺的,真心感谢他们! 这次与[1]中的不同之处在于: (1)播放和暂停按钮集成在<MediaElement>的点击事件之中,点一下是播放,再点一下是暂停 (2)加入了微软官方改写的粒子特效 (3)加上了自己琢磨的按钮旋转效果,以及按钮弹出popup效果 (4)进度条改善美观 二.代码       前台: <Window xmlns="http://schemas.micr…