Business Model Design 业务模型设计】的更多相关文章

Note This section is split into two parts, which describe the use of two different Object-relational mapping (ORM) 请注意本节分为两个部分,它们描述了两个不同对象关系映射(ORM)的使用 tools: Entity Framework (EF) and eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO) 工具:EF和XPO . You will start by cho…
This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the XPO Data Model Designer in XAF applications. We will create a simple business model consisting of two objects - Employee and Task. These objects will be linked with a one-to-many relatio…
封面 内容简介 <商业模式新生代>内容简介:当你愉快的看完第一章:商业模式画布,赫然发现这些构成要素全都交织成一幅清晰的图像在脑海中呈现,它们如何互相影响.如何交互作用全都历历在目.利用商业模式画布分析瑞士银行.Google.乐高.任天堂.Apple等跨国企业,归纳出三种不同的产业模式,也涵括新近的热门现象免费效应及长尾理论等.在这些有趣的例子中,我们不仅更熟稔如何利用这个画布作分析,也更知道如何自己自身企业的处境. 以上的内容,只是企业再造的基础,了解现在,是为了能帮我们想象更好的未来.想象…
How to: Create a Business Model in the XPO Data Model Designer This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the XPO Data Model Designer in XAF applications. We will create a simple business model consisting of two objects - Employee an…
本文转自: 本文来自First Round Review,他们准备的文章既讲故事,还同时向创业者提供可操作的建议,以助力打造优秀的公司. 精益创业一词已经广为人知.然而,其背后的哲学则来自于作家兼创业者 Alexander Osterwalder 和瑞士学者 Yves Pigneur 的 Business Model Canvas (商业模式画布). Business Model Canvas 是销售过百万.被翻译成 30 种语言… A few weeks ago I gave the Day 2 opening keynote at PerconaLive, a conference focused on Open Source Databases. My talk, titled “The Open Source Business Model is… Since its inception in 1998, open source has become the de-facto standard for software development and proven itsel… What advice do you have for people who want to start open-source projects/companies? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain a…
Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective Second Edition In this chapter, we take a brief look at the design of processor hardware. We study the way a hardware system can execute the instructions of a particular ISA. This view will give you a bette…
微冷的雨ASP.NET MVC之葵花宝典 By:微冷的雨 第一章 ASP.NET MVC的请求和处理机制. 在MVC中: 01.所有的请求都要归结到控制器(Controller)上. 02.约定优于配置 *:所有的控制器放到Controllers文件夹中 *:所有的视图放到Views文件夹对应的Controller类名的文件夹中 03.如何通过Session保存用户登录信息,以及通过Cookie记录用户名 Session和Cookie都属于系统对象 设置Cookie(jsp还是cshtml co…