I set up a remote interpreter and verified that I can run a script using the remote interpreter. Console output in the Run window looks like this: ssh://freddy@ -u /home/freddy/workspace/tensorflow/models/inception/inc…
在chrome 总调试cordova出现如下错误: "Detached from the target. Remote debugging has been terminated with reason: Connection lost. Please re-attach to the new target办法,如果是模拟器,请降级到android 5.0以下.…
Original URL http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/146838/Remote-debugging-with-Visual-Studio-2010 you may also need to set up window firewall for this. see URL https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee126350(v=vs.100).aspx I've recently needed to re…
The client/server design of the Java debugger allows you to launch a Java program from computer on your network and debug it from the workstation running the platform. This is particularly useful when you are developing a program for a device that ca…
* About JPDA (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/architecture.html) JPDA: (Java Platform Debugger Architecture), the following diagram illustrates the architecture, * How to setup Tomcat for remote debugging It's quite simple…
一.让安卓打debug模式的apk包 二.将电脑中的chrome升级到最新版本,在chrome浏览器地址栏中输入chrome://inspect/#devices: 在智能手机还未普及时,移动设备的调试处处是alert的,这估计是最常用的办法了.以前很多时候为了预览页面在移动设备上的效果,需要先将页面上传到测试服务器,再将url输入到设备浏览器,或者使用第三方二维码扫码应用,通过移动设备访问打开浏览实际效果,每次换设备都要重复这些操作,页面多的话这些繁琐的事情就特别让人厌烦了.移动互联网的浪潮,…
/***************************************************************************** * Android WebView remote debugging * 说明: * 需要去看Android WebView中的内容运行是否正常,所以需要这个功能来查看,在 * PC上查看Android手机上的浏览器上的网页是否运行正常,如果运行错了,哪里运行出错 * 了,这个工具还是挺方便的. * * 2017-5-12 台湾 中和区 曾…
简单介绍 使用下面方法可以定位webview中的元素,无法定位view中的元素. 原文地址:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/y_UfdgjT_pkKgYivJmqt7Q webview定位 如下图,Hybrid APP有webview,在定位webview element的时候,如果使用的是DDMS,会发现压根儿都找不到相关的elements而只能找到一个webview控件. 遇到这种情况,DDMS和Android uiautomatorviewer 毫无用武之地,这个时候就…
Remote Debugging Android Devices //在电脑上远程调试安卓设备 By Kayce Basques Technical Writer at Google By Meggin Kearney Meggin is a Tech Writer Remote debug live content on an Android device from your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer.//远程实时调试安卓设备的内容. TL;DR Set…
The way your web content behaves on mobile can be dramatically different from the desktop experience. Remote debugging with Chrome DevTools lets you debug live content on your Android device from your development machine. Remote debugging on Android…