When creating an .msi-based installer, you are strongly encouraged to include logic that supports Windows Installer major upgrades. Major upgrades are the most common form of updates for .msi's, and including support in your initial .msi release give…
Following content is reprinted from here, please go to the original website for more information. Author: Alex Shevchuk Introduction A typical Major Upgrade removes a previous version of an application and installs a new version.  This blog will guid…
Major upagrade: delete old version firstly, then install new version. need to change [product code] and [package code], donnot change [Upgrade code].   1. config marjor upgrade media->Upgrde windows install setup 2. add major upgrade   3. set propert…
Following contents are excerpted from the this website and only used for knowledge sharing:  InstallWorld. ------------------------------------------------>>> A small update is a product update that changes a few files or possibly adds some new c…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
这是我的分析,当然查阅书籍和网络.如有什么不对的,请各位批评指正.以下的类有的并不完全,只列出重要的方法. 如要转载,请注上作者以及出处. 一.源码阅读环境 需要安装jdk1.7.0版本及其以上版本,还需要安装Eclipse阅读hadoop源码. Eclipse安装教程参见我的博客. Hadoop源码官网下载.我下载的是2.7.3版本的.其中source是源代码工程,需要你编译才能执行.而binary是编译好的克执行文件. 如果你要搭建Hadoop集群,则下载binary的.如果阅读源代码,下载…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION 17.5 CLUSTERSAn important and relatively recent development computer system design is clus-tering. Clustering is an alternative to symmetric multiprocessing as an approach…
 制作简单的安装软件 声明:下面的教程,是把读者当做完全没接触过IS的角度来制作的. 1. 启动InstallShield 12.建立一个InstallShield MSI Project,如图: 2. 建好后,选择Project Assistant. 你会发现下边有8个选项.接下来就一项一项开始设置. 3. 点击Application Information. 输入公司名称,应用程序的名称(注意:这个不是打包完后安装包的名称,默认的安装包名称为Setup.exe,不过可以自己定义,稍后讲),版…
What's New in the VMware Workstation Technology Preview July 2013 The VMware Workstation team is excited to announce the VMware Workstation Technology Preview - May 2013 release!  As usual, this Technology Preview includes many changes to VMware Work…
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