ChibiOS/RT 2.6.9 CAN Driver】的更多相关文章

Detailed Description Generic CAN Driver. This module implements a generic CAN (Controller Area Network) driver allowing the exchange of information at frame level. Precondition: In order to use the CAN driver the HAL_USE_CAN option must be enabled in…
/* ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.or…
官网地址: 下载源码 找到STM32F407的demos程序(chibios\demos\STM32\RT-STM32F407-DISCOVERY) /* * This is a periodic thread that does absolutely nothing except flashing * a LED. */ static THD_WORKING_AREA(waThread1, 128); static…
OpenOCD 0.9.0 release May 18th, 2015 I’m happy to announce the release of OpenOCD version 0.9.0, finally! It tooks us a bit more than a year but the list of changes isn’t a small one either. With 439 commits from 94 contributors, it’s an impressive e…     Name License Platforms Description Last updated FreeRTOS Modified GPL MSP430 ARM AVR ColdFire PIC x86 FreeRTOS is a popular real-time operating system for embedded devices, being ported to 31 microcontrollers. It is distrib… ARM architecture     ARM architectures The ARM logo Designer ARM Holdings Bits 32-bit or 64-bit Introduced 1985 Design RISC Type Register-Register Branching Condition code Open Proprietary 64/32-bit archi…
源码下载: 源码默认支持STM32F107芯片 STM32 HAL库测试:zubax_gnss\bootloader\zubax_chibios\chibios\testhal\STM32 STM32 ChibiOS/RT系统测试:zubax_gnss\bootloader\zubax_chibios\chibios\demos\STM32 拷贝STM32F407默认配置文件 这三个文件是ChibiOS/RT系统主要的…
============================================================================== 深入linux kernel内核配置选项 ============================================================================== 如果自己不亲自实践配置的话,你永远也体会不到内核的真实所在. 使用过linux的发行版之一gentoo的话,你应该知道这是一个彻头彻尾的自定义…
catalog . 设备驱动程序简介 . I/O体系结构 . 访问设备 . 与文件系统关联 . 字符设备操作 . 块设备操作 . 资源分配 . 总线系统 1. 设备驱动程序简介 设备驱动程序是内核的关键领域,在很多时候,判断一个操作系统的性能时,主要是通过现有驱动程序可用的外设数目和驱动程序对外设的支持程序来判断,例如 . 显卡驱动能够多大程序地发挥显卡硬件本身的性能 . 网卡驱动能否100%挖掘硬件的处理速度 .. 因此,内核源代码的相当大一部分是在致力于设备驱动程序的实现设备驱动程序基于中心…
回顾 上一篇,我们分析了了任务在executor端的运行流程,任务运行结束后,在Executor.launchTask方法最后,通过调用execBackend.statusUpdate方法将任务结果以及任务状态发送给driver.回到driver端,我们在driver的rpc服务端DriverEndPoint的receive方法中寻找对StatusUpdate消息的处理逻辑. DriverEndpoint.receive case StatusUpdate(executorId, taskId,…