ibatis动态sql配置启动时提示:The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data... 2012-07-18 11:21wuming3632171 | 浏览 5114 次 ibatis配置如下,高手帮我看看.<select id="exportRecieveData" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap"resultClass="…
一.基础操作说明: 1. 设备恢复出厂化 root# load factory-default root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password root# commit root> request system reboot 2. 基本配置 2.1 配置主机名 root# set system host-name SRX1400 2.2设置时区 root@SRX1400# set system time-zone Asia/S…