此篇文章主要針對有安裝 XCode 的 Mac 用戶. Git 版本控管工具,作用類似 CVS.Subversion(簡 稱SVN),好處在於 Git 不像 CVS 及 SVN 是屬於集中式的版本控管工具,它採用分散式版本庫,即便連不上server,仍可以執行commit.rollback (rebase)等動作.加上 Dropbox 幫我們做檔案同步與共享,不需架一台 Git Server 也可多人同時開發. Git Workflow 與CVS, SVN不同的是,每次修改檔案後要上傳,都需要先…
jekens安装完成后,在配置中Source Code Management没有Git的选项,只有none,搞了大半天,一直安装插件报错,网上找的各种文章均未能解决我的问题,多次尝试后终于解决了这个问题,来个成功后的截图: 操作步骤如下: 1.清空jekens安装目录下的plugins,默认为C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\plugins.需要在重启jekens的时候才能删掉之前下载过的 2.修改更新站点为:https://updates.jenkins.io/up…
This post is first posted on my WeChat public account: GeekArtT Reading source code is always one big part for software engineers. Just like the writers to learn writing by reading a heck of classic books, like the painters to "read" a bunches o…
为了使一个项目支持集群,自己学习使用了 akka cluster 并在项目中实施了,从此,生活就变得有些痛苦.再配上 apache 做反向代理和负载均衡,debug 起来不要太酸爽.直到现在,我还对 akka cluster 输出的 log 不是很熟悉,目前网络上 akka cluster 的信息还比较少,想深入了解这东西的话,还是要自己读 source code.前几天,雪球那帮人说 akka 不推荐使用,有很多坑,这给我提了个醒,目前我对 akka 的理解是远远不够的,需要深入学习. akk…
Look under the start memcahced threading process memcached multi-threaded mainly by instantiating multiple libevent, are a main thread and n workers thread is the main thread or workers thread all through the the libevent management network event, in…
As mentioned in the previous post, in my quest to find an alternative to Kiwi Syslog, I looked at a few Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings first, and then started exploring open source log managment projects. I compiled the list below of all usef…
Environment : Android 4.4.2 merge with Android 4.4.3(with other vendors source code) 1.确定你要merge 到 其它分支的版本号.并在server測获得详细lable 相应的commit 或者 从build 相应的Repo Manifest 中找到要patch 到目标代码的Commit ID <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >…
--------------------- 如需转载,转载请注明出处. --------------------- 今日发现所有IOS构建相关的job全部失败,并提示如下错误: ERROR: Error fetching remote repo 'origin' hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from http://git.xxxx/ios/xxxx-ios.git at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.fe…
前言 HashMap source code view 类注释 Hash table based implementation of the Map interface. This implementation provides all of the optional map operations, and permits null values and the null key. (The HashMap class is roughly equivalent to Hashtable, ex…
最近在做android项目的过程中遇到这样一个问题,新增一个activity的时候添加不成,eclipse提示The refactoring does not change any source code.百度了很久终于在Stack Overflow找到问题的解决方法. 言归正传,先把问题解决了. 原帖的内容就不粘贴在这里了.原帖是的回复是: Check if you have older version of ADT plug-in. You need to update ADT plug-i…