
<行香子·过尽千山> 文/天地尘埃2020 过尽千山.水瘦山寒. 思来路.地咽天玄. 千金散尽,欲补穹天. 但孟春暖,仲春炫.暮春喧. 三皇五帝,魏武挥鞭. 朴无欲.衡玉玑璿. 金生丽水,水阔天乾. 且闻人籁,道人语,是人寰. (2015.4.9) 谢美女原玉: <行香子 咏山   读<春天里的故事>抒怀> 词/红袖刀 壁立千仞,岭入遥天. 更苍龙.闭锁峰巅. 青云托底.道观孤悬. 剩心中叹,手中汉.眼中旋. 生平万事,江湖恩怨, 到此时.过眼云烟. 堪嘲汉武,枉慕神仙…
dp..dp(i, j)表示画两个点为i-j, i的最优答案. dp(i, j) = min{ dp(i-j, k) } + cost[i] (1≤k≤M-j) 令f(i, j) = min{dp(i, j)}, 那么转移时间下降为O(1).然后滚动数组..这道题卡空间..时间复杂度O(NM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<cstdio> #in…
ENTBOOST,VERSION 2014.183 Windows(点击下载)版本号公布.主要添加PC端P2P(点对点)文件传输功能:公布安卓Android手机clientAPP 1.0版本号.公布苹果IOS手机(平板)clientSDK測试版本号.完好安卓SDK功能及部分BUG修正: 企业私有云各版本号下载列表:download 下一版本号公布时间,7月28日,敬请关注! ENTBOOST是跨平台.跨应用的实时通讯平台:恩布网络致力于帮助开发人员.软件公司和企业,组建企业级的即时通讯平台和运营…
l1 = [183,0,1,2,-184,367] num = [] for i in range (0,len(l1)): for l in range (i+1,len(l1)): if l1[i]+l1[l]==183: num.append((l1[i],l1[l])) sum = set(num) print(sum) //set():去重…
Android开发技术周报183学习记录 教程 Android性能优化来龙去脉总结 记录 一.性能问题常见 内存泄漏.频繁GC.耗电问题.OOM问题. 二.导致性能问题的原因 1.人为在ui线程中做了轻微的耗时操作,导致ui线程卡顿. 2.layout过于复杂,无法在16ms完成渲染.使用RelativeLayout替换LinearLayout,说是可以减少布局层次,然而,现在不再建议使用RelativeLayout,因为ConstraintLayout才是一个更高性能的消灭布局层级的神器.Co…
183. Painting the balls time limit per test: 0.25 sec.memory limit per test: 4096 KB input: standard inputoutput: standard output Petya puts the N white balls in a line and now he wants to paint some of them in black, so that at least two black balls…
This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive JavaScript Weekly Issue 183May 30, 2014 Editor: Peter Cooper   Featured Introducing Socket.IO 1.0: A Leap Forward for the Real-Time Communications Library— After what looked like…
181. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers The Employee table holds all employees including their managers. Every employee has an Id, and there is also a column for the manager Id. +----+-------+--------+-----------+ | Id | Name | Salary | Manag…
183.Wood Cut[hard] Given n pieces of wood with length L[i] (integer array). Cut them into small pieces to guarantee you could have equal or more than k pieces with the same length. What is the longest length you can get from the n pieces of wood? Giv…
183. Customers Who Never Order Suppose that a website contains two tables, the Customers table and the Orders table. Write a SQL query to find all customers who never order anything. Table: Customers. +----+-------+ | Id | Name | +----+-------+ | 1 |…