
http://www.cocoachina.com/ios/20140524/8536.html 资讯 论坛 代码 工具 招聘 CVP 外快 博客new 登录| 注册   iOS开发 Swift App Store研究 产品设计 应用 VR 游戏开发 苹果相关 安卓相关 营销推广 业界动态 程序人生 首页 >iOS开发 在Xcode中使用Git进行源码版本控制 2014-05-24 11:38 编辑: suiling 分类:iOS开发 来源:CocoaChina 47  XCodeGit 招聘信…
原文网址:http://www.cocoachina.com/ios/20140524/8536.html 本文翻译自Understanding Git Source Control in Xcode (译者myShire)欢迎您加入我们的翻译小组. 在应用程序开发过程中,很重要的一部分工作就是如何进行源码的版本控制.当代码出现问题时,我们就需要将代码恢复到原先正常的版本.如果是多个人共同开发一个项目,那么代码的控制就会非常复杂.幸运的是,开发者不需要自己控制这些,因为有专门的软件来负责,叫做版…
USING GIT IN XCODE USING BRANCHES Branches can be a very effective tool to isolate new features or experiments in code.  Xcode has pretty good support for branches, but it is not shown in the project view.  The first method you can use to commit code…
USING GIT IN XCODE MAKING AND COMMITTING CHANGES Once you have a working copy of your project, it’s time to get to work.  As you make changes to the project, Xcode will indicate when files have been changed from the working copy. 当你成功的将项目复制到了本地,现在就可以…
USING GIT IN XCODE http://www.cimgf.com/2013/12/10/using-git-in-xcode/ USING AN EXISTING REMOTE PROJECT IN XCODE To clone a copy of an existing remote repository, open the Organizer in Xcode and select Repositories.  Click the plus (“+”) button in th…
USING GIT IN XCODE http://www.cimgf.com/2013/12/10/using-git-in-xcode/ Git has become a very popular version control system in iOS and Mac development. Git comes with a set of command line tools to check status, commit changes, view logs, make and me…
git是一个版本号控制系统,能够通过命令行来调用,也有专门的桌面软件.这里主要介绍在Xcode中怎样利用git来进行版本号的控制. 一.创建git源 从Xcode5開始引入了使用git的一些新特性.将git的各项功能整合到一个菜单中,而且提供子菜单来进行软件合并的控制.当用Xcode创建一个project时,会出现一个复选框即如图所看到的: 一般默认情况下是被选上的,假设不想使用git.能够把它取消掉.当创建完项目project后.打开项目project所在的目录.会发现一个.git子目录.这是…
项目中添加git 也可在开始新建项目时勾选git,这是针对开始没有勾选git的情况 打开终端 cd 项目文件目录 //初始化一个代码仓库, git init //将当前目录及子目录中的文件标记为要添加到代码仓库 git add . //将代码仓库控制的文件中,所有标记发生变化的文件提交到代码仓库 git commit -m "XXX"//添加备注 删除git cd 项目文件目录 rm -rf .git git在mac上得配置 //设置用户名,使用英文名字 git config --gl…
USING GIT IN XCODE KEEPING IN SYNC WITH REMOTE REPOSITORIES As you make changes in your local working copy you will want to keep them in sync with the remote repository.  Xcode offers support for pulling from and pushing to a remote repository, and f…
USING GIT IN XCODE LOOKING AT HISTORY Xcode provides a Versions editor, which has three different perspectives on the git history for a file.  To use the Versions editor, select the file in the Standard editor in Xcode, the switch to the Versions edi…