介绍 "Another day has passed, and I still haven't used y = mx + b." 这听起来是不是很熟悉?我经常听到我大学的熟人抱怨他们花了很多时间的代数方程在现实世界中基本没用. 好吧,但我可以向你保证,并不是这样的.特别是如果你想开启数据科学的职业生涯. 线性代数弥合了理论与概念实际实施之间的差距.对线性代数的掌握理解打开了我们认为无法理解的机器学习算法的大门.线性代数的一种这样的用途是奇异值分解(SVD)用于降维. 你在数据科学中一…
A brief summary of SVD: An original matrix Amn is represented as a muliplication of three matrices: Amn = UmmSmnVnnT The columns of U are the orthonormal engenvectors of AAT descendingly ordered by the corresponding eigenvalues, and the columns of V …
Today we have learned the Matrix Factorization, and I want to record my study notes. Some kownledge which I have learned before is forgot...(呜呜) 1.Terminology 单位矩阵:identity matrix 特征值:eigenvalues 特征向量:eigenvectors 矩阵的秩:rank 对角矩阵:diagonal matrix 对角化矩阵…