July 18th 2017 Week 29th Tuesday】的更多相关文章

My heart is stronger now that you are in it. 我的心里有了你,从此变得更强大. You will no longer feel lonely if there are some people in your heart. You will become stronger if you choose to take the responsiblities of taking care of them. You will try your best to…
If you are not brave enough, no one will back you up. 如果你不够勇敢,没人会替你坚强. I was told that the real man can smile in trouble, gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph…
Everything is always more beautiful reflected in your eyes. 一切事物映在你的眼里都会变得更美. Looking in your eyes, I find my relection. I smile, it smiles, I cry, it cries. Suddenly, I know what the world looks like all depends on what we are willing to see. On thi…
If you want to fly too high in relation to the horizon forget. 要想飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉. Always keep our eyes looking on the stars with our feet on the solid ground. Without ambitious goals, we may have few impetus to achieve something. Meanwhile, if there are…
The darkness is no darkness with you. 有了你,黑暗将不再是黑暗. The darkness will not be driven out if we failed to light a candle. With somebody accompanying us, even if there is no light, we still can find the right way in the tough times, by continuous attemp…
Rather than envy others, it is better to speed up their own pace. 与其羡慕他人,不如加快自己的脚步. The envy of others' success or happy life is not always a bad thing. Negative emotions, like envy, loneliness, and guilt, also have an important role to play in a hap…
A heart is a heavy burden. 心,可是很重的. Follow your heart, but always take your brain with you. Easy to say, but hard to comply with it in the actual world, because there are many things we need to take account in when we make some decisions. So, it is r…
Opportunities are like sunrises, if you wait too long, you miss them. 机会如同日出,等得太久就会错过. Indecision is the enemy of action. Even you eventually have dealt with the problems, you still gave other people the impression of indecison or cannot face the pre…
No possession, but use, in the only riches. 真正的财富不是占有,而是使用. These days I have bought tens of books about artificial intelligence, deep learning, data mining, and automatic pilot, just planning to make a little preparation for my next career. I think…
Nothing is really beautiful but truth. 只有真理才是真美. Truth can be beautiful, but it also can be cruel. We must judge it in accordance with the specific conditions. If it is cruel, we must accept it, any action to escape from it may be in vain. I want to…
When the traveler goes alone he gets acquainted with himself. 独自旅行可以让人更好地了解自己. With other's company, we can always get help when we are in difficulties. If we travel alone, we oursleves have to handle everyting. That way, we get the opportunity to di…
Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命如纯洁的火焰,而维系这火焰的是我们内心的太阳. Burn my life, let it emit bright lights, endless bright lights, which can highlight our ways and make us feel warm whereas at the same time not dazzling. The f…
Truth needs no color; beauty, no pencil. 真理不需要色彩,美丽无需涂饰. Most of the time, giving some color to truth can make the truth more accpectable; And it is natural that a beautiful face with exquisite makeup can make the face much more beautiful. Keep your…
I don't know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream. 我不知道世间有什么事是确定不变的,但只要一看到星空,我就会开始做梦. From Loving Vincent. By comparison with uncertainty, I like certainty better, but I know life is always changing, the world is always changi…
CALC: 计算器题目描述大厨有一个计算器,计算器上有两个屏幕和两个按钮.初始时每个屏幕上显示的都是 0.每按一次第一个按钮,就会让第一个屏幕上显示的数字加 1,同时消耗 1 单位的能量.每按一次第二个按钮,会让第二个屏幕上显示的数字加上第一个屏幕上显示的数字,同时消耗 B 单位的能量.初始时,计算器有 N 单位的能量.大厨想知道在能量限制下,第二个屏幕上最大可以出现的数字是多少?输入格式输入的第一行包含一个整数 T,代表测试数据的组数.接下来是 T 组数据.每组数据仅有一行,包含两个整数 N…
CHEFSIGN: 大厨与符号序列题目描述大厨昨天捡到了一个奇怪的字符串 s,这是一个仅包含‘<’.‘=’和‘>’三种比较符号的字符串.记字符串长度为 N,大厨想要在字符串的开头.结尾,和每两个字符之间插入一个正整数,共N + 1 个数.大厨希望插入数字之后,这些比较符号所表达的含义是正确的.举个例子,如果在‘<’前后分别插入 a 和 b,那么应当有 a < b.对于‘=’和‘>’也是类似的.大厨可以在 [1, P] 中任意选择数字插入,同一个数也可以被插入到多个位置.请你帮…
IPCTRAIN: 训练营教练题目描述本次印度编程训练营(Indian Programming Camp,IPC)共请到了 N 名教练.训练营的日程安排有 M 天,每天最多上一节课.第 i 名教练在第 Di 天到达,直到训练营结束才离开.第 i 名教练希望上 Ti 节课.要是少上了课,那么教练会感到扎心,每少上一节,扎心值就会加 Si.作为主办方,你希望最小化所有教练的扎心值之和.输入格式输入的第一行包含一个整数 T,代表测试数据的组数.接下来是 T 组数据.每组数据的第一行包含两个整数 N 和…
PSHTTR: Pishty 和城堡题目描述Pishty 是生活在胡斯特市的一个小男孩.胡斯特是胡克兰境内的一个古城,以其中世纪风格的古堡和非常聪明的熊闻名全国.胡斯特的镇城之宝是就是这么一座古堡,历史上胡斯特依靠这座古堡抵挡住了疯人国的大军.对于 Pishty 来说,真正吸引他的是古堡悠长的走廊和高耸的钟楼,以及深藏于其中的秘密……古堡可以用一棵 N 个节点的树的描述,树中有 N − 1 条无向边,每条边有一个魔法数字 C.当一个旅游团参观古堡时,他们会选择树上 U 到 V 的路径游览.他们认…
Eternity is said not to be an extension of time but an absence of time. 永恒不是时间的无限延伸,而是没有时间. What is enternity? What kind of traits can be qualified as eternity? There are few things that can stand the test of time, time will eventually kill us, and a…
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. 爱就是一个灵魂栖息在两个身体里. Love and family and children shouldn't be considered as somethings that are getting in the way of a successful career. And never take the efforts to maintain such relationships…
No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again. 不管过去有多么困难,你都可以重新开始. Honestly, I don't agree with your opinion, I think it is just a toxic chicken-soup for the soul. Why I think it is toxic? Just because for most of us, today is nothing bu…
We can't give up trying. The fight was worth it. 我们不能放弃尝试,奋斗是值得的. When doing researches in some cutting-edge fileds, like autonomous-driving, it is inevitable to encounter innumerable difficulties and setbacks. Sometimes, when you think your solution…
Only someone who is well-prepared has the opportunity to improvise. 只有准备充分的人才能够尽兴表演. From the first day I joined this department, I found to be qualified for the job requires kinds of abilities that I hadn't had yet, for example, the ability to effec…
We execuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty. 我们常以困难为由,作为懒惰的借口. The process of my system-transplantation-task is just the case. The basic theory underneath the problem is not different from compiling the kernel and transplanting the drivers f…
If you focus on what you left behind you will never see what lies ahead. 如果你只顾回头看,那么你永远也看不见前方有什么. Yesterday is the past, the future is yet to come, the most important and the most decisive moment is today. Focus on the road, and look up at the distan…
Don't make promises you can't keep. But those are the best kind. 不要许下做不到的承诺,但是我们做不到的承诺往往是最好的. The best way to be a man of his word may be never making any promise. And the best way to avoid being disappointed is never having any hope or wish for the…
I have to protect the one thing I can't live without. 我必须为我一生挚爱遮风挡雨. A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. 成功的生活就是早上起床,晚上睡觉,白天做自己想做的事情. From Bob Dylan. Simple guidelines, but…
Live boldly. Push yourself. Don't settle. 勇敢生活,突破自我,永不设限! Don't indulge in the past, whether it was glorious or gloomy. Look ahead, live in the present, let bygones be bygones. Keep on trying, maybe we will find some wonderful things. We never know w…
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. 你唯一应该试着去超越的人,是昨天的自己. There is nothing noble in being feeling superior to our fellows, true nobility lies in being superior to our former self. Always try to be better…
Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph. 失败是迷雾,穿过它,我们就可以瞥见光明. Sometimes the fog may be too thick to go through, and the final may be the one gets lost in the fog and never has the chance to see the light of triumph. Lost in the fog, never…