Codeforces Round #354 (Div. 2) Problems # Name A Nicholas and Permutation standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB x3384 B Pyramid of Glasses standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB x1462 C Vasya and String standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB x1393…
D. Theseus and labyrinth 题目链接: Theseus has just arrived to Crete to fight Minotaur. He found a labyrinth that has a form of a rectangular field of sizen × m and consists of blocks of size 1 × 1. Each block o…
C. Vasya and String 题目链接: High school student Vasya got a string of length n as a birthday present. This string consists of letters 'a' and 'b' only. Vasya denotes beauty of the string as the maximum length…
B. Pyramid of Glasses 题目链接: Mary has just graduated from one well-known University and is now attending celebration party. Students like to dream of a beautiful life, so they used champagne glasses to constr…
A. Nicholas and Permutation 题目链接: Nicholas has an array a that contains n distinct integers from 1 to n. In other words, Nicholas has a permutation of size n. Nicholas want the minimum element (integer 1) an…
E. The Last Fight Between Human and AI 题目连接: Description 100 years have passed since the last victory of the man versus computer in Go. Technologies made a huge step forward and robots conquered the Earth!…