redux sample with slim redux source code】的更多相关文章

code sample没有package.json文件,也就没有任何外部依赖,直接使用slim redux source code. slim resux只有90多行. nodejs对es6的import export还不支持,这里使用了stackoverflow上一位网友的办法,js文件后缀改成mjs, 用 node --experimental-modules index.mjs code sample下载 引用:…
code sample没有package.json文件,也就没有任何外部依赖,直接使用redux source code. nodejs对es6的import export还不支持,这里使用了stackoverflow上一位网友的办法,js文件后缀改成mjs, 用 node --experimental-modules index.mjs code sample下载 引用:…
Root Smart component can be overloaded, divide 'smart' component wisely & using Provider. Problem: Something the root component can be overloaded, means it handle too many application logics. For a larger application, it will be hard to maintain. Sol…
转载于: // ======================================================================== // XML.ObjTree -- XML source code from/to JavaScript object like E4X // ==============================================…
redux很小的一个框架,是从flux演变过来的,尽管只有775行,但是它的功能很重要.react要应用于生成环境必须要用flux或者redux,redux是flux的进化产物,优于flux. 而且redux还很小.那么redux是怎么做到单项数据流和一些让人惊奇的特性的呢.我们来看一下他的源码,从而学一些东西. redux里面都是一个一个的模块,一共9个模块,都导出了一些redux的方法,比如这个9号函数,一个匿名函数,然后导出他写的方法.9里面就这一个方法.英文注释也蛮清楚的,检测类对象的方…
In the previous post we addressed some issue of decision tree, including instability, lack of smoothness, sensitivity to data, and etc. One solution is Boosting Method. In simple words Boosting combines multiple weak learners to get a powerful predic…
After talking about Information theory, now let's come to one of its application - Decision Tree! Nowadays, in terms of prediction power, there are many ensemble methods based on tree that can beat Decision Tree generally. However I found it necessar…
This is the second post in Boosting algorithm. In the previous post, we go through the earliest Boosting algorithm - AdaBoost, which is actually an approximation of exponential loss via additive stage-forward modelling. What if we want to choose othe…
LIRE教程之源码分析 |LIRE Tutorial of Analysis of the Source Code 最近在做地理图像识别和检索的研究,发现了一个很好用的框架LIRE,遂研究了一通.网上的教程不算很多,而且LIRE更新比较快,一些方法已经更新或废弃,故想写几篇文章重新总结一下框架内的多种方法,方便他人使用. LIRE(Lucene Image Retrieval)是一个开源的轻量级图像识别Java框架,提供了多种简单易用的图片检索方法.事实上,LIRE是基于Lucene这个全文检索…
How to compile and install Linux Kernel 5.1.2 from source code Compiling a custom kernel has its advantages and disadvantages. However, new Linux user/admin find it difficult to compile Linux kernel. Compiling kernel needs to understand few things an…