Install chocolatey】的更多相关文章

Requirements Windows 7+ / Windows Server 2003+ PowerShell v2+ .NET Framework 4+ (the installation will attempt to install .NET 4.0 if you do not have it installed) That's it! All you need is choco.exe (that you get from the installation scripts) and… To install chocolatey now, open an administrative command prompt and paste the text from the box below that applies to the name of your shell and press enter. 第一步,在cmd里面执行一下命令 @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Byp…
1.配置安装路径(后续需要管理员权限执行命令) Create a machine level (user level will also work) environment variable named ChocolateyInstall and set it to the folder you want Chocolatey to install to prior to installation (this environment variable must be set globally o…
What is Chocolatey? Chocolatey is a software management solution unlike anything else you've ever experienced on Windows. It focuses on simplicity, security, and scalability. You write a software deployment in PowerShell once for any software (not ju…
jx是云原生CICD,devops的一个最佳实践之一,目前在快速的发展成熟中.最近调研了JX,这里为第2篇,使用已经安装好的jx来实践CICD,旨在让大家了解基于jx的DevOps是如何运转的,感兴趣的可以继续关注,下一篇介绍如何安装. 先上图: 一.windows 搭建开发环境(可选) 1. 安装kubectl 使用Chocolatey来安装,因此install Chocolatey: 安装Chocolatey windows + X ,选择power shell 管理员模式,输入: Set-…
What is RPC? Remote Procedure Call is a high-level model for client-server communication. Assume there are two computers, computer A(on local) and computer B(on some network). Computer B provides some API’s, let’s say it has some procedures which can…
How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows Node.js和npm 安装 Node.js 的时候会自动安装 npm ,并且 npm 就是 Node.js 的包管理工具(node package manager 的缩写). 参考: 所以,安装Node.js默认就会安装npm,安装npm最简单的方式就是安装node. 参考:…
chocolatey install curl and netcat 软件仓库 choco install curl choco install netcat ============== End…
C:\> @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin 或者: PS:\>iex ((new-objec…
@(编程) 前言 在 Linux 下,大家喜欢用 apt-get 来安装应用程序,如今在 windows 下,大家可以使用 Chocolatey 来快速下载搭建一个开发环境. Chocolatey 的哲学就是完全用命令行来安装应用程序, 它更像一个包管理工具(背后使用 Nuget ) 另外需要说明的是, Chocolatey 只是把官方下载路径封装到了 Chocolatey 中,所以下载源都是其官方路径,所以下载的一定是合法的,但是如果原软件是需要 Licence 注册的话,那么 Chocola…