-fembed-bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0   说法二 错误提示 -fembed-bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0 这时候到build setting里面设置查找”enable_bitcode”, 并把设置改为”NO”  Impact of Xcode build options “Enable bitcode” Yes/No 来自…
参考一下网址 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30867544/fembed-bitcode-is-not-supported-on-versions-of-ios-prior-to-6-0 去掉xcode7  Apple watch 的兼容选项 搜索 BITCODE 将 YES 改成 NO…
链接地址:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18735847/ios-7-auto-layout-on-ios-versions-prior-to-6-0 Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required. iOS 7 - Auto Layout on…
xcode5 打开运行就出现这个错误 uistepper on ios versions prior to 5.0 直接在General -->Deployment Info -->Deployment Target 设置为5.0以上…
2016年10月份 苹果升级了iOS系统为10.1,xcode 8.0 运行会提示: This iPhone 5 (Model A1429) is running iOS 10.1.1 (14B100), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.   升级包放在路径:应用程序(xcode)-右键-显示包内容  /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport. 添加10.1文件…
今天在真机调试低版本系统的时候出现如题类似Layout Max Width在ios 8 之前不适用的问题, 初步估计是autolayout 所导致的 查找资料解决方法如下: 将label下Preffered Width 设置成大于0.…
使用XCODE5.0,出现这个小错误... 解决办法: 选中你的XIB或storyboard,如下图 再查看右边属性栏 去掉最下边的Use Autolayout ,完成. 转:http://blog.csdn.net/topbar/article/details/12345511…
问题:xcode 7编译错误:bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0 解决:Build Options | Enable Bitcode 设置为No即可 原因:这是Apple Watch使用的 问题:Build iOS时提示没法拉起Xcode: UnityException: Launching iOS project via Xcode4 failed. Check editor log for details. 解决:…
Bitcode 0. Introduction to Bitcode 1. Build static library or framework via Xcode 7, while user build application using Xcode 7. "The Xcode 7 build system defaults include enabling the Enable Bitcode build setting, but standard Debug or Release build…
iOS 8 后 UIAlertView 和  UIActionSheet 都被合并到了 UIAlertController里面. 文档原文: Important: UIAlertView is deprecated in iOS 8. (Note that UIAlertViewDelegate is also deprecated.) To create and manage alerts in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController wi…