NFV弹性控制中的流迁移优化 ABSTRACT 基于动态创建和移除网络功能实例,NFV在网络功能控制上有很大的弹性.比如,网络功能和并,网络功能拆分,负载均衡等等. 那么为了实现弹性控制,就需要网络流量的重新分配.那么问题来了:哪些流量适合迁移,哪些流量不适合迁移? 这篇论文介绍了他们所编写的OFM控制器:优化了NFV弹性控制中的流迁移. 1. INTRODUCTION 刚刚也提到了,为了实现弹性控制(合并.拆分.负载均衡),我们需要一个有效的策略来控制流的转向.正好,SDN架构可以控制流的方向…
Transparent Flow Migration for NFV 摘要 因为SDN提供的灵活性,NF之间存在着流量的迁入和迁出问题.而且NF也要根据相关的状态信息处理数据包,所以流量迁移必须满足以下两点要求: 保持数据包和状态的迁移顺序,必须获取状态才能处理数据包. 想都不用想,这点一定是低开销.低时延- 目前现有的流量迁移架构,把流量迁移和状态迁移耦合在一起,这种架构不能实现安全.高效.低开销的迁移. 于是本篇论文提出了一个流量迁移架构,叫TFM(Transparent Flow Migr…
[翻译] TensorFlow 分布式之论文篇 "Implementation of Control Flow in TensorFlow" 目录 [翻译] TensorFlow 分布式之论文篇 "Implementation of Control Flow in TensorFlow" 1. 概览 2. 控制流原语 3. 控制流结构的编译 3.1 条件表达式 3.2 while 循环 4. 实现 5. 分布式条件表达式 6. 分布式的 while 循环 7. 自动… Working with migration scripts What are migration scripts? To deploy changes from version control, the SQL Compare engine generates a deployment script. This is based…
What is EI? Enterprise Integration (EI) is a business computing term for the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and co-coordinating the computer applications in an enterprise. EI Levels Data Level Integrates and synchroniz…
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C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
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  Developing a User Interface with ADF Faces Purpose This tutorial covers developing the user interface for the Fusion Order Demo Application using ADF model and ADF Faces. Time to Complete Approximately 90 minutes Topics This tutorial covers the fol…
场景: 创建一个Virtual Switch,支持VLAN,支持MAC-Learning 包含下面四个Port: P1, truck port P2, VLAN 20 P3, P4 VLAN 30 包含五个flow table: Table 0: Admission control. Table 1: VLAN input processing. Table 2: Learn source MAC and VLAN for ingress port. Table 3: Look up learn…