1.Link name is random 2.username and password is database account 3.host name is ip address ifconfig 4.port usually is 1521 command lsnrclt start 5.sid:you can use echo $ORACLE_SID 6.server name :(a.lsnrctl start b.lsnrctl status c.lsnrctl stop)…
ORACLE官方提供的Sql Developer自带的Oracle Migration Workbench. 什么是Oracle SQL Developer?在官方页面上,是这样介绍它的: Oracle SQL Developer is a free and fully supported graphical tool for database development. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL st…
本文转自:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/cn/server-storage/linux/sqldev-adv-otn-092384.html Advanced Oracle SQL Developer Features < Do not delete this text because it is a placeholder for the generated list of "main" topics when run in a brows…
Oracle SQL Developer连接报错(ORA-12505) 之前我的Oracle数据库出现问题,费大波周折终于弄好了,今天又创建了一个DBA管理员的连接方式出现问题,本人现在把解决方案分享给大家,希望对你们有用. 连接时报错码:Listener refused the connection with following error:ORA-12505,TNS:listener...... 确定这是连接数据库的SID错误, 解决方法: 1.知道你的SID名:可以再注册表中查找,也可以通…