Android Https】的更多相关文章

keywords:android https 双向认证android GRPC https 双向认证 ManagedChannel channel = OkHttpChannelBuilder.forAddress("xxx",yyy) .overrideAuthority("zzz") .sslSocketFactory(sslFactory) .build(); 1.千万不要像官网案例那样设置setPlaintext(true),这个是设置明文,我们用的是密文…
  Charles.png charles是一款在Mac下常用的截取网络封包工具,对Android Http进行抓包,只要对手机设置代理即可,但对Android Https进行抓包还是破费一些功夫,网上的资料解释的也不清楚,今天在这里总结一下,希望对同样遇到问题的朋友带来一些帮助. 原理   man-in-the-middle.png Charles实现对Https进行抓包,使用的原理就是中间人技术(man-in-the-middle).Charles会动态生成一个使用自己根证书签名的证书,Ch…
转载地址: AndroidHttps服务器端和客户端简单实例 工具介绍 Eclipse3.7 Tomcat 6.0.18(免安装版) Android2.1开发环境(在Eclipse中配置好) 前提条件 JDK环境要使用我们自己安装的,笔者JDK安装目录为D:\Java\jdk1.6.0_22,在Eclipse的Window-preference-installedJREs中,只选用我们自己安…
以下内容为原创,欢迎转载,转载请注明 来自博客园: 1.劫持https接口 很多android客户端虽然使用了https,但还是能被第三方抓包工具如fiddler劫持,因为他们的代码使用了诸如ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER之类的方式允许任何证书.这样的话可以使用fiddler自带的证书伪装服务端证书来获取到中间通讯的数据.使用方法关键步骤: 下图是劫持的工商银行安卓版app数据:…
/** * HttpUrlConnection支持所有Https免验证,不建议使用 * * @throws KeyManagementException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws IOException */ public void initSSLALL() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { URL url = new URL…
Warnings About Using SSLSocket Directly So far, the examples have focused on HTTPS using HttpsURLConnection. Sometimes apps need to use SSL separate from HTTP. For example, an email app might use SSL variants of SMTP, POP3, or IMAP. In those cases, t…
Common Problems with Hostname Verification As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are two key parts to verifying an SSL connection. The first is to verify the certificate is from a trusted source, which was the focus of the previous sec…
Common Problems Verifying Server Certificates InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream(); getInputStream(), it throws an exception: Trust anchor for certificatio…
Security with HTTPS and SSL The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)—now technically known as Transport Layer Security (TLS)—is a common building block for encrypted communications between clients and servers. It's possible that an application might use SSL in…
一.概述 其实这篇文章理论上不限于okhttp去访问自签名的网站,不过接上篇博文了,就叫这个了.首先要了解的事,okhttp默认情况下是支持https协议的网站的,比如,等,你可以直接通过okhttp请求试试.不过要注意的是,支持的https的网站基本都是CA机构颁发的证书,默认情况下是可以信任的. 当然我们今天要说的是自签名的网站,什么叫自签名呢?就是自己通过…