无法打开IE浏览器 使用web(http)协议录制时,无法打开IE浏览器,且生成的日志信息为 ****** Start Log Message ****** Web Recorder version : Recording Mode: HTML-based script containing explicit URLs only Not using correlation Not recording headers Not excluding content types…
问题描述 脚本在virtual user generator中运行正常. 在Controller中运行场景时报错: the target you defined cannot be reached. scripts you are running in invalid. 问题解决 方法1-LR的license不支持webservice协议,(LR11中支持webservice协议的license为:AEAMAUIK-YAFEKEKJJKEEA-BCJGI) 方法2-设置的场景的目标值不合理,可以…
问题描述 在controller 中设置了面向目标的方案后 执行提示 The target you defined cannot be reached.the LoadRunner Controller cannot use the load generators you have defined. 问题解决 方法1-从Virtual User Generator直接打开Controller(tool->create controller scenario ) 方法2-需要将load gener…
Jmeter插件解释 1.jp@gc - Actiive Threads Over Time:不同时间活动用户数量展示(图表) 2.jp@gc - AutoStop Listener :自动停止监听器 average Response Time is greater than 10000ms for 10 seconds :连续10s平均响应时间大于10000ms就停止测试. average Latency is greater than 5000ms for 10 seconds :连接…
1.Preprocessor Glue: The ## Operator 预处理连接符:##操作符 Like the # operator, the ## operator can be used in the replacement section of a function-like macro.Additionally, it can be used in the replacement section of an object-like macro. The ## operator co…