Behavior Trees for Path Planning (Autonomous Driving) 2019-11-13 08:16:52 Path planning in self-driving cars Path planning and decision making for autonomous vehicles in urban environments enable self-driving cars to find the safest, most convenient,…
Andrew Ng deeplearning courese-4:Convolutional Neural Network Convolutional Neural Networks: Step by Step Convolutional Neural Networks: Application Residual Networks Autonomous driving - Car detection YOLO Face Recognition for the Happy House Art: N…
Design and Implementation of Global Path Planning System for Unmanned Surface Vehicle among Multiple Task Points (针对多任务点的水面无人艇全局路径规划的设计和实现)   针对多任务点的全局路径规划,是指在存在静态障碍物的环境中,给定水面无人艇起始点.目标点以及多个任务点的情况下,设计从起始点出发,安全地遍历各个任务点,最终返回目标点的全局路径,要求行驶的航路代价总和最小.   本文主… by Chris Simpson on 07/17/14 09:35:00 pm       27 comments       The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra…
今天看到一篇关于检测的论文<SqueezeDet: Unified, Small, Low Power Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving>,论文中的效果还不错,后来查了一下,有一个Tensorflow版本的实现,因此在自己的机器上配置了Tensorflow的环境,然后将其给出的demo跑通了,其中遇到了一些小问题,通过查找网络上的资料解决掉了,在这里…
本文是该篇文章的归纳 . 传统的A*算法中,寻找出来的路径只能是沿着给出的模型(比如TileMap.网格模型)上的路径依次行走.(上图上半) 在游戏中寻路的场合下,这种路径看起来是十分不自然的.与之相对的"自然的"寻路称为Any-Angle Path Planning.(上图下半) 对于A*的一个简单的修正是,在生成路径之后,检测路径上隔开的两个点之间是否有line o…
张宁 Visual-Based Autonomous Driving Deployment from a Stochastic and Uncertainty-Aware Perspective Lei Tai Peng Yun Yuying Chen Congcong Liu Haoyang Ye Ming Liu 从随机和不确定性角度出发的基于视觉的自动驾驶部署链接: 提取码:j8bg Abstra…
BLVD: Building A Large-scale 5D Semantics Benchmark for Autonomous Driving BLVD:构建自主驾驶的大规模5D语义基准 Jianru Xue, Jianwu Fang, Tao Li, Bohua Zhang, Pu Zhang, Zhen Ye and Jian Dou Abstract—In autonomous driving community, numerous benchmarks have been esta…,_robotics_and_control)…