1503 - A PRIMARY KEY must include all columns in the table's partitioning function 错误的原因:表的主键字段必须包含分区字段.为什么? 举例来说,Id为auto_increment primary key,按日期分区.考虑下面的场景,插入一条Id为100的记录,mysql根据日期,当然知道插入到那个分区中,但是要检查所有的分区中是否已经包含Id为100的记录,显然效率很低.如果不检查所有的分区,只检查当前插入的分区…
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 23 Partitioning https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/partitioning.html [仅支持 InnoDB and NDB ] In MySQL 8.0, partitioning support is provided by the InnoDB and NDB storage engines. MySQL 8.0 does not currently…
关于kudu的primary key The primary key may not be changed after the table is created. You must drop and recreate a table to select a new primary key. 创建之后主键列不能变更 The columns which make up the primary key must be listed first in the schema. 否则会报错: ImpalaR…
A primary key is defined as a column or a group of column that their value are always be unique. Normally, NULL value will never be allowed in this column to be part of this column’s records. EXAMPLE : Let’s say we want to create a table name Users.…
主键的作用: 可以唯一标识 一条数据,每张表里面只能有一个主键,.主键特性: 非空且唯一.当表里没有主键的时,第一个出现的非空且为唯一的列,被当成主键. 例子:create table tb3( id int primary key, name varchar(20) not null); 唯一标识 一条数据 #删除主键约束mysql -> alter table tb3 -> drop primary key #添加主键约束mysql> alter t…