The problems of finding a longest common subsequence of two sequences A and B and a shortest edit script for transforming A into B have long been known to be dual problems. In this paper,…
Falcon Falcon: a set of tools for fast aligning long reads for consensus and assembly The Falcon tool kit is a set of simple code collection which I use for studying efficient assembly algorithm for haploid and diploid genomes. It has some back-end c…
Eugene W. Myers 在他1986年发表于"Algorithmica"的论文"An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations"中描述了一种用于处理diff的基础贪婪算法. 在他的论文中, 还对这种算法进行了扩展"Linear Space Refinement". 定义文件A和文件B, 算法会读取两个文件的输入, 假设B为新版本, 算法会生成一段Shortest Edit Script (…
/* * Diff Match and Patch * * Copyright 2006 Google Inc. * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *…
作者:Oto_G QQ: 421739728 目录 简介 基础 差异的描述 好的差异比较 算法介绍 名词解释 两个定理 绘制编辑图 感谢 简介 本文章对Myers差分算法(Myers Diff Algorithm)进行了细致讲解,适合对Myers差分算法完全不了解的小白进行学习. 本文所使用的Myers工具在Myers View ( 源码在GitHub - G-haoyu/MyerView: Myers Diff Algorithm HTML Visua…
Android 的recyclerview-v7:24.2.0 发布后多了个DiffUtil工具类,这个工具类能够大大解放了Android开发者的一个苦恼:RecyclerView局部刷新和重新刷新时实际只改变了部分数据. DiffUtil能够计算两个列表之间的差值,并计算出旧列表变换到新列表的过程(DiffResult),DiffResult可以直接应用到RecyclerView的Adapter中,DiffResult会使用Adapter的notifyItemRangeChanged等方法来更…
double getUnixTime(void) { struct timespec tv; ) ; return (((double) tv.tv_sec) + (double) (tv.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0)); } double start_time = getUnixTime(); double stop_time, difference; algorithm(); stop_time = getUnixTime(); difference = stop_time…
目录 理解 LSTM 及其图示 本文翻译自 Shi Yan 的博文 Understanding LSTM and its diagrams,原文阐释了作者对 Christopher Olah 博文 Understanding LSTM Networks 更加通俗的理解. Understanding LSTM Networks 中译:[翻译]理解 LSTM 网络 理解 LSTM 及其图示 我不擅长解释 LSTM,写下这段文字是为了我个人记忆方便.我认为 Christopher Olah 的那篇博文…
等差数列划分II 子序列 如果一个数列至少有三个元素,并且任意两个相邻元素之差相同,则称该数列为等差数列. 例如,以下数列为等差数列: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 7, 7, 7, 7 3, -1, -5, -9 以下数列不是等差数列. 1, 1, 2, 5, 7 数组 A 包含 N 个数,且索引从 0 开始.该数组子序列将划分为整数序列 (P0, P1, ..., Pk),P 与 Q 是整数且满足 0 ≤ P0 < P1 < ... < Pk < N. 如果序列 A[P0],A[…
Code Project精彩系列(转)   Code Project精彩系列(转)   Applications Crafting a C# forms Editor From scratch 建立一个类似C#的环境, 实现控件拖拉,属性 Packet Capture and Analayzer 网络封包截获…