Unable to Rebuild JIRA Index】的更多相关文章

Symptoms Accessing certain JIRA pages result in: SEVERE: Internal server error com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.SearchUnavailableException: com.atlassian.util.concurrent.LazyReference$InitializationException: com.atlassian.jira.util.RuntimeIOException:…
FATAL: UNABLE TO CREATE ‘…GIT/INDEX.LOCK’ FILE EXISTS Hi, Today I will share you my other experience using git control system, it happened to me after I’ve created a branch, when adding my changes to remote or even committed my file I’ve started to s…
执行git checkout -- . error: unable to write file mobile/manifest.jsonfatal: unable to write new index file 实际原因:没有足够磁盘空间写入报错,删除部分文件节省空间即可.…
有时候在提交的时候,中间提交出错,导致有文件被lock,所以会报下面的错误: fatal: Unable to create ‘/msg/.git/index.lock’: File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is…
在ITPUB 论坛上看到的一个帖子,很不错.根据论坛的帖子重做整理了一下. 原文链接如下: alter index rebuild online引发的血案 http://www.itpub.net/thread-1445427-1-1.html 一. 官网说明 在MOS 上的一篇文章讲到了rebuild online 和offline的区别: Index Rebuild Is Hanging Or Taking Too Long [ID 272762.1] Symptoms:========= …
什么时候需要重建索引 1. 删除的空间没有重用,导致 索引出现碎片 2. 删除大量的表数据后,空间没有重用,导致 索引"虚高" 3.索引的 clustering_facto 和表不一致 也有人认为当索引树高度超过4的时候需要进行重建,但是如果表数量级较大,自然就不会有较高的树,而且重建不会改变索引树高度,除非是由于大量引起的索引树“虚高”,重建才会改善性能,当然这又回到了索引碎片的问题上了. 关于索引是否需要重建,Oracle有这么一句话: Generally speaking, th…
Oracle里大量删除记录后,表和索引里占用的数据块空间并没有释放. table move可以释放已删除记录表占用的数据块空间,整理碎片.如果将表格用move方式整理碎片后,索引将失效,这时需要将索引重建. 重建索引可以释放已删除记录索引占用的数据块空间.重建索引不仅能增加索引表空间空闲空间大小,还能够提高查询性能. --table move alter table tbl move; --rebuild索引 alter index idx_tbl_col rebuild; alter inde…
oracle index build online与offline测试环境为oracle --sql test SQL> conn test/test )); begin .. loop insert into test.rb_test values(i,'ok'); commit; end loop; end; / SQL> select count(*) from test.rb_test; COUNT(*) ---------- SQL> create index…
https://www.cnblogs.com/EasonJim/p/6674099.html 1.全局设置 [Windows]->[Preferences]->[Maven]->勾选[Download respository index updates on startup] 完成后重启eclipse,然后等待下载更新完即可. 2.单独设置 [Windows]->[Show View]->[Others]->[Maven]->[Maven Repositorie…
Create/Drop/Alter View Create View Drop View Alter View Properties Alter View As Select Version information Icon View support is only available in Hive 0.6 and later. Create View CREATE VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] view_name [(column_name [COMMENT column_com…