FEAT FEAT: Front-End Auto Testing 前端自动化测试 jest $ yarn add -D jest # OR $ npm i -D jest https://jestjs.io/docs/en/getting-started https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#coverage https://jestjs.io/docs/en/mock-functions.html https://jestjs.io/docs/en/using…
二维数组中的查找 描述 在一个二维数组中(每个一维数组的长度相同),每一行都按照从左到右递增的顺序排序,每一列都按照从上到下递增的顺序排序.请完成一个函数,输入这样的一个二维数组和一个整数,判断数组中是否含有该整数. 源码 public class Solution { public boolean Find(int target, int [][] array) { if(array.length==0 || array[0].length==0){ return false; } int r…
On a 2x3 board, there are 5 tiles represented by the integers 1 through 5, and an empty square represented by 0. A move consists of choosing 0 and a 4-directionally adjacent number and swapping it. The state of the board is solved if and only if the …
Transmit Rated Emission (FCC) AC power conducted emission.-FCC 15.207 Minimum 6 dB bandwidth. -500kHz Minimum -(FCC 15.247(a).2) Power spectral density. 8dBm/3kHz Maximum (FCC 15.247(d))RF power output. 30dBm Maximum at Antenna Output with 6dBi anten…
On a 2x3 board, there are 5 tiles represented by the integers 1 through 5, and an empty square represented by 0. A move consists of choosing 0 and a 4-directionally adjacent number and swapping it. The state of the board is solved if and only if the …
链接:https://leetcode.com/tag/binary-search-tree/ [220]Contains Duplicate III (2019年4月20日) (好题) Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the absolute difference between nums[i] and nums[…
来源于:https://medium.freecodecamp.com/making-sense-of-front-end-build-tools-3a1b3a87043b#.nvnd2vsd8 Front end build tools can be confusing even to experienced developers like me. The solution is to understand how they work - and work together - on a…
https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/619102/dashboard#s=p1&a=1 Problem Now that you have won Code Jam and been hired by Google as a software engineer, you have been assigned to work on their wildly popular programming contest website. Google is ex…
[Culling & Depth Testing] Culling is an optimization that does not render polygons facing away from the viewer. All polygons have a front and a back side. Culling makes use of the fact that most objects are closed; if you have a cube, you will never…