wsl install lamp】的更多相关文章

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ /etc/init.d/apache2 start /etc/init.d/mysql start sudo apt-get -y install mysql-client mysql-server sudo apt-get -y install php7.0 php7.0-cli php7.0-common php7.0-curl php7.0-mysql php7.0-mcrypt p…
原文: LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym LAMP came from the first letters ofLinux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PH…
Install LAMP Server (Apache, MariaDB, PHP) On CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 7 By SK  - August 12, 2014   LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym of LAMP is derived from first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP…
Install WSL Prerequisites You must be running Windows 10 version 2004 and higher (Build 19041 and higher) or Windows 11. If you're running an older build, or just prefer not to use the install command and would like step-by-step directions, see WSL m…
Install LAMP(Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP ) for CentOS/Redhat/Fedora 项目地址: 最新版本:2015年01月29日 适用环境: 系统支持:CentOS/Redhat/Fedora 内存要求:≥256M 硬盘要求:2GB以上的剩余空间 服务器必须配置好软件源和可连接外网 必须具有系统 root 权限 建议使用干净系统全新安装 将会安装: 1.Apache 2.4.10…
Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP (脚本可以选择是否安装+Pureftpd+User manager for PureFTPd+phpMyAdmin+memcache),添加虚拟主机请执行lamp/vhost.sh脚本.脚本中用到的软件包大多最新稳定版本,修复了一些安全性问题(安装之前会执行初始化安全脚本适用于CentOS/RadHat 5/6 . lnmp最新源码一键安装脚本参考:…
linux的学习很早就开始了,大学的时候的时候有有学过unix,后来每年都有去看看linux,因为在小城市的缘故,很少会实际工作中用到,基本都是智慧云之类的,同事也说,你学起来也用不上,IT生态不好,没用!可是自己心里一直有想去学linux,于是这次下决心自己搭建一个lamp环境,记录下来,当做学习笔记. 在网上搜索的lamp环境的资料,很多都是yum的,或者是老资料,为了让自己多敲几段命令,所以选择了源码包的方式.说真的,对于我这种初学者来说,较新版的源码包哪怕是有一点点的安装配置的不一样,可…
LAMP Stands for Linux,Apache,MySQL and PHP. Most of the websites works with the above combination. The main purpose of LAMP is testing the application locally by the programmer before going to the production. Below are the steps to install LAMP (Apac…
一.介绍 LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym of LAMP is derived from first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL/MariaDB database, and PHP/Perl/Python. 在大多数的服务中都需要 LAMP作为基础支撑,今天单独做出来,供以后参看,整理自:Insta…
centos shell编程5  LANMP一键安装脚本 lamp  sed  lnmp  变量和字符串比较不能用-eq  cat > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.php <<EOF重定向 shell的变量和函数命名不能有横杠  平台可以用arch命令,获取是i686还是x86_64  curl 下载   第三十九节课 上半节课 lampsed 下半节课lnmp变量和字符串比较不能用-eq cat > /usr/local/apache2/htd…