编译开始产生的检查错误 试用LyX2.3,在2.15中能编译通过的文档,竟然提示错误 The user preamble of your document contains glyphs that are unknown in the current document encoding (namely 如果没有这一句命令,XeTeX会出错,原因参见)These glyphs are omitted from the output, which may result in incomplete o…
使用中,遇到各种奇葩问题,依依汇总. 1.引用了Subsonic层后,一运行就开始报错,提示未能找到文件!! //引用后,目标框架可能会被改变,subsonic的默认框架是2.0,请检查框架是否一致. 2.执行中报异常,提示“Can't find the SubSonicService in your application's config” //config未能正确初始化,将文件拷贝到解决方案下…
cordova + ionic 使用中碰到的一些问题 No Content-Security-Policy meta tag found. Please add one when using the cordova-plugin-whitelist plugin.解决办法index.html 中添加<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self'…