BNF巴科斯范式 {A} 表示 0 或多个 A , [A] 表示一个可选的 A chunk ::= block block ::= {stat} [retstat] stat ::= ‘;’ | varlist ‘=’ explist | --变量列表=表达式列表 functioncall | label | break | goto Name | do block end | while exp do block end | repeat block until exp | if ex…
1.Scyther 协议安全模型的验证实例 第一部分: 打开协议模型 ,设置攻击变量的参数执行分析 Scyther is a tool for the formal analysis o the security protocol under the perfect Cryptography , the result Window shows a summary of ths clamis in the proctol ,and the verfication results .here o…