Open Cygwin at a specific folder】的更多相关文章

转自: When you install Cygwin (or if you’ve already installed it, download it again and start setup again to run an update), make sure that you select the chere package under… apt-get for cygwin? wget install apt-cyg /binNow that apt-cyg is installed. Here are few examples of installing some packages: apt-cyg install nano apt-cyg install git apt-cyg i…
In present (post production) IT infrastructure many different workstations, servers etc. have to be maintained on a daily basis. When running on *nix operating systems, the main tool to log into and execute arbitrary code on a remote machine is SSH .…
Be aware to remove any dependencies to any modules related to Editor, or else it will end up with failure of packaging. #if WITH_EDITOR #endif is your good friend. for developing purpose,  just copy plugins' "Editor-blabla.dll" to developers' en…
New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesSubforms – Behavior Change for Unsupported Task ModeStarting with this version, if an Online task that is running in a Subform control cannot be executed, the task and the host task will remain o…
1.Get Content Size in folder SELECT SUM(r_full_content_size/1024.0) FROM dm_sysobject WHERE FOLDER('{0}', DESCEND)   2.Count of documents in each folder/subfolder SELECT fr.r_folder_path, COUNT(*) FROM dm_sysobject s, dm_sysobject_r sr, dm_folder_r f…
-c: compress archives -x:decompress archives -t:check archives -z:whether it has the attribute of gzip at the same time?in other words,whether it needs gzip to compress or decompress. The general format is xx.tar.gz or xx. tgz -j:whether it has the a…
今天在使用svn时发现有好多不认识了,所以查了下svn帮助手册.借此总结了下 svn 中图标的含义 一个新检出的工作复本使用绿色的勾做重载.表示Subversion状态 正常. 在开始编辑一个文件后,状态就变成  已修改,而图标重载变成了红色感叹号.通过这种方式,可以很容易地看出那些文件从你上次更新工作复本后被修改过,需要提交. 如果在提交的过程中出现了 冲突  图标变成黄色感叹号. 如果你个一个文件设置了 svn:needs-lock属性, Subversion 会让此文件只读,直到你获得文件…
Learn how to do real-time sentiment analysis of big data using HBase in an HDInsight (Hadoop) cluster. Social web sites are one of the major driving forces for Big Data adoption. Public APIs provided by sites like Twitter are a useful source of data…
转: SharePoint的列表能存储文件以及文件夹,用户使用的时候,经常会建几个分类文件夹,然后分别存放不同类型的文件,以方便查阅管理. 当文件夹以及文件越来越多的时候,用户就会有搜索特定文档的要求,用户通常都不希望去每个文件夹分别查询,所以我们必须设计一个单独的查询模块去获取列表中包括每个文件夹里的所有数据. 用sharepoint自带的搜索是一种解决方案,也可以利用SharePo…