FZU1920 Left Mouse Button(dfs)】的更多相关文章

 Problem 1920 Left Mouse Button Accept: 385    Submit: 719 Time Limit: 1000 mSec    Memory Limit : 32768 KB  Problem Description Mine sweeper is a very popular small game in Windows operating system. The object of the game is to find mines, and mark…
Mine sweeper is a very popular small game in Windows operating system. The object of the game is to find mines, and mark them out. You mark them by clicking your right mouse button. Then you will place a little flag where you think the mine is. You c…
1027D. Mouse Hunt:http://codeforces.com/contest/1027/problem/D 题意: 有n个房间,每个房间放置捕鼠器的费用是不同的,已知老鼠在一个房间x,那么他一定会在下一秒到一个特定的房间a[x].老鼠一开始可能在任意一个房间,问最少需要多少的费用,使得一定能捉到老鼠. 思路: 这道题要在每个环上找一个费用最小的点,放置捕鼠器,进入环的那些点是不用放捕鼠器的.如何在dfs中找到环,并找到最小的点?在dfs中,如果发现下一个点已经走过,就说明遇到环…
FZU:http://acm.fzu.edu.cn/problem.php?pid=1920 题意:叫你玩扫雷游戏,已经告诉你地雷的位置了,问你最少点几次鼠标左键可以赢这盘扫雷 题解:直接DFS,(注意这里是8个方向搜索不是4个方向),然后把0周围的不是雷的格子置0,然后统计不是0也不是雷的格子数量,然后加上之前DFS的数量就是答案. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<i…
题意就是扫雷 问最少多少次可以把图点开…… 思路也很明显 就是先把所有的标记一遍 就当所有的都要点…… 录入图…… 所有雷都不标记…… 之后呢 遍历图…… 然后碰到0就搜索一圈 碰到数字就标记…… 不难 但是卡了好久…… 直接上代码…… #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> ][]; ][]; int n; ]={,,,-,,-,,-}; ]={,-,,,-,,,-}; void dfs(int x,int y){ if(!vis[x][y])…
wx.Button A button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most common elements of a GUI. It may be placed on a dialog box or on a wx.Panel panel, or indeed on almost any other window. By default, i.e. if none of the alignment sty…
mousedown:鼠标按下才发生 mouseup:鼠标按下松开时才发生 mouseenter和mouseleave效果和mouseover mouseout效果差不多:但存在区别,区别见代码解析: css代码: <style> .cc,.dd{ height: 80px; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black; } .ff,.ee{ height: 200px; width: 300px; background-color: darkgrey; bord…
http://unixpapa.com/js/mouse.html Javascript Madness: Mouse Events Jan WolterAug 12, 2011 Note: I have stopped updating this page. At this point nearly all popular browsers are have achieved a good level of compatibility on most of these features, an…
js & listen mouse click how to listen mouse click in js https://www.kirupa.com/html5/mouse_events_in_javascript.htm document.addEventListener("mousedown", buttonPress, false); function buttonPress(e) { if (e.button == 0) { console.log("…
In the following example, we will demonstrate how to drag & drop a button widget. #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ZetCode PyQt4 tutorial In this program, we can press on a button with a left mouse click or drag and drop th…