Intro Guide to Dockerfile Best Practices By Tibor Vass July 02 2019 docker, Dockerfiles, Multi-stage Builds There are over one million Dockerfiles on GitHub today, but not…
Other Intro Guide to Dockerfile Best Practices QuickJS Javascript Engine Questions for a new technology. CODE REVIEW: CREATE THE CULTURE, LEARN THE BEST PRACTICES Why are the username and password on two different pages? Best Practices for Event-Driv…
Dockerfile reference Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Using docker build us…
准则 尽量将Dockerfile放在空目录中,如果目录中必须有其他文件,则使用.dockerignore文件. 避免安装不必须的包. 每个容器应该只关注一个功能点. 最小化镜像的层数. 多行参数时应该分类.这样更清晰直白,便于阅读和review,另外,在每个换行符\前都增加一个空格. 对构建缓存要有清楚的认识. 指令注意事项 FROM Dockerfile reference for the FROM instruction 任何时候,尽量使用官方镜像源作为你镜像的基础镜像.我们建议使用Debi… Oculus Unity Development Guide开发指南转载请保留原始地 Oculus/GearVR开发者群 302294234 Welcometo the Unity Development GuideIntroduction简介Welcometo the Oculus Unity Developer Gui…