CF447B DZY Loves Strings 题解】的更多相关文章

Content 有一个长度为 \(n\) 的仅含小写字母的字符串 \(s\) 以及 26 个英文小写字母的价值 \(W_\texttt{a},W_\texttt{b},...,W_\texttt{z}\),请求出在后面插入 \(k\) 个小写字母后所能够获得的最大价值. 对于一个长度为 \(x\) 的字符串 \(s'\),它的价值为 \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^x i\times W_{s'_i}\). 数据范围:\(1\leqslant n\leqslant 1000,0\leqs…
DZY loves collecting special strings which only contain lowercase letters. For each lowercase letter c DZY knows its value wc. For each special string s = s1s2... s|s| (|s| is the length of the string) he represents its value with a function f(s), wh…
D - DZY Loves Strings 思路:感觉这种把询问按大小分成两类解决的问题都很不好想.. 题解说得很清楚啦. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PLL pair<LL, LL> #define PLI pai…
D. DZY Loves Strings 题目连接: Description DZY loves strings, and he enjoys collecting them. In China, many people like to use strings containing their names' initials, for example: xyz, jcvb, dzy, dyh. Once DZ…
B - DZY Loves Strings DZY loves collecting special strings which only contain lowercase letters. For each lowercase letter c DZY knows its value wc. For each special string s = s1s2... s|s|(|s| is the length of the string) he represents its value wit…
B. DZY Loves Strings time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output DZY loves collecting special strings which only contain lowercase letters. For each lowercase letter c DZY knows its val…
题目链接 CF444E. DZY Loves Planting 题解 可以..二分网络流 可是 考虑边从小到大排序 考虑每条边能否成为答案 用并查集维护节点之间的联通性 对于一条边来说,如果这条边可以成为答案 那么当前已经合并的每个点,都需要给它分配一个未被合并的点 这就很好判定了 代码 #include<ctime> #include<queue> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #include<cstring&…
B. DZY Loves Strings time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output DZY loves collecting special strings which only contain lowercase letters. For each lowercase letter c DZY knows its val…
BZOJ 3309: DZY Loves Math I 题意 \(f(n)\) 为 \(n\) 幂指数的最大值. \[ \sum_{i = 1}^{a} \sum_{j = 1}^{b} f(\gcd(i, j)) \] \(T\le 10000, 1 \le a,b \le 10^7\) 题解 \[ \begin{aligned} ans &= \sum_{i = 1}^{a} \sum_{j = 1}^{b} f(\gcd(i, j)) \\ &= \sum_{d = 1}^{\min…
[题解]DZY Loves Chinese II 不吐槽这题面了... 考虑如何维护图的连通性,如果把图的变成一颗的\(dfs\)生成树,那么如果把一个节点的父边和他接下来所有的返祖边删除,那么我们就可以确定图的连通性改变了. 考虑如何快速维护这个东西. 可以考虑这样 对于每条非树边,给他一个随机数的权值. 对于每条树边,他的权值是横跨他的所有非树边的\(xor\)和. 那么也就是说,将非树边的状态通过\(xor\)压缩2到其他树边上了.树边的权值是由与他有关的非树边决定的. 查询的时候建基底,…