Link: How to develop and deploy ActiveX control in C# There are lots of documents regarding how to develop and deploy an ActiveX control in native cod…
ePass1000 Full ActiveX Control Reference Manual Version 2.0 Error Code Value Return Status Description Value(HEX) Value(DEC) FT_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR Exception occured during transfer data between device and driver. Driver recerved an invalid response…
症状描述: Accelerator keys, such as ARROW keys, are first received by the message pump of the ActiveX control's container. Even if the control has the focus, it does not receive messages for keystrokes that have special meaning to control containers, suc… vs2010 中添加 ActiveX Control Test Container工具(转载) vs2010中的TSTCON( ActiveX Control Test Container )工具非自动安装,而是作为一个例程提供.所以应找到该例程,并编译: 如vs2010安装在默认路径则 1, 进入:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\S…
VB.NET或者C# winform开发时,如果使用了Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX,并动态创建该控件实例,那么程序移植到没有安装Visual Basic 6.0的系统会出现如下提示: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continu…