OpenERP Client Error】的更多相关文章

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data http/mydomain:8069/web/webclient/js:23114 Solutions: openerp version 6.1, the python library for pdf is 0.8.3 (werkzeug), the higher or earlier are problems. This is the link with the help that has work…
Cisco VPN Client Error 56解决 VPN Client报错 650) this.width=650;" style="width:575px;height:142px;" src="" alt="20130409023901382.png" /> 在网上搜索一番后找到解决方案,其实就是VPN的服务被关闭了 计算… ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— axis client error Bad envelope tag: definitions2009-03-24 20:17 AxisFault faultCode: {http://schemas.xml…
宝塔面板docker升级后启动容器时报错400 Client Error: Bad Request ("Unknown runtime specified docker-runc"), 根据这个报错查看资料是升级docker后版本不兼容导致容器启动失败报错. 可以根据一下命令解决: grep -rl 'docker-runc' /www/server/docker/containers/ | xargs sed -i 's/docker-runc/runc/g' systemctl s…
从 iOS 11 开始,UINavigationBar 使用了自动布局,左右两边的按钮到屏幕之间会有 16 或 20 的边距. 为了避免点击到间距的空白处没有响应,通常做法是:定义一个 UINavigationBar 子类,重写 layoutSubviews 方法,在此方法里遍历 subviews 获取 _UINavigationBarContentView,并将其 layoutMargins 设置为 UIEdgeInsetsZero. - (void)layoutSubviews { [sup…
As we all know OpenERP is a great open-source ERP/CRM project. It does help people a lot when working in such a modern society. For those people who like to use free opensource software OpenERP is a good option. linuxmint 15 is a destro which is base…
tracker,storage运行正常,利用fdfs_test程序做测试,可以正常上传下载文件. tracker的端口配置 # HTTP port on this tracker server http.server_port=80 storage的端口配置 # the port of the web server on this storage server http.server_port=80 centos上的22122,23000两个端口,在iptables都已打开. 利用官方fastd…
错误原因:在提交的表单中有 date 类型的数据,也就是不能传输日期类型的数据. 嗯!我知道,去吧!…
本文来自: 本人是根据文中的其中一方法: I had the same problem and i removed from the header: headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json"); now it works great! 以下是全文 13down v…
package)*time.Second) ], {         hasConn := false         waitc := time.After(cfg.DialTimeout)         select {         case <-client.balancer.readyc:             hasConn = true         case <-ctx.Done():         case <-waitc:         }        …