using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; namespace Clip { class Clip { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { var openFileDialog = new… This document describes the style guide, tag and image conventions we use in documentation comments for Java programs written at Java Software, Oracle. It does not rehash r… has launched the new 2015 V145 Renault CAN Clip diagnostic tool (SP19-A and SP19-B). Here is the new V145 Renault CAN Clip OBD diagnostic software step-by-step installation instruction. Operating system: Windows XP SP2/SP3 System default lan…
1. Color Picker (Chrome) You might know how to use color picker in Chrome, recently there is a feature inside color picker which is "Contrast Ratio", which can help developer / design to check whether font color & background has good Contras…
Use Script To Creat 2D Animation Clip From Multiply Mode Sprite 很多时候美工拿过来的一张序列帧图片,我们需要转换成 Multiply Mode,切片生成动画,然后绑定Prefab,可以考虑些一个脚本省略重复劳动.直接上代码 结果: Main Procede using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditorInternal; ///AnimatorController pu…
jBPM4.4 no jBPM DB schema: no JBPM4_EXECUTION table. Run the create.jbpm.schema target first in the install tool. 开始钻研工作流的东西,第一颗钉子,笔记之: 错误信息: jBPM4.4 no jBPM DB schema: no JBPM4_EXECUTION table. Run the create.jbpm.schema target first in the inst…
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a tool that lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android phone. ADB is bundled with Android SDK package that can be downloaded from Android SDK download page. This tool is usefull for communicating with A…
Intro Sometime we want to record cmd and outputs in the interactive shell sessions. However history cmd cannot do this. So we need cmd line recording tool like script and scriptreplay. References Master's Shoulder:How to Record and Replay Linux Termi…
[Tool] SourceTree操作中遇到错误(Filename too long)的解决方案 问题情景 使用SourceTree,可以方便开发人员使用图形化接口的Git指令来管理原始码.但是在Windows上使用SourceTree来管理原始码时,某些操作会出现下列错误讯息:「Filename too long」. error: unable to create file xxxx.yyy (Filename too long) 解决方案 上网找了一下数据,针对「Filename too l…
今天在Windows Server 2008 下安装SQL SERVER 2008时,碰到如下错误: You must use the Role Management Tool to install or configure Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. 既然碰到了顺便还是记录一下,虽然感觉没啥技术含量也没有难度,有时候有必要养成一个好习惯.记录你碰到的问题.解决问题的方案,你思考的点点滴滴! 打开 Server Manager,在“Features”下勾选…
How to run a geoprocessing tool In this topic Running a geoprocessing tool Toolbox names and namespaces Running custom geoprocessing tools Executing a tool by name Running a geoprocessing tool Each geoprocessing tool has a fixed set of parameters t…