Red Hat Enterprise Linux 当前的最新版本是 7.3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 当前仅支持 64 位CPU:64-bit AMD.64-bit Intel.IBM POWER7 和 POWER8.IBM System z.可以将32位操作系统作为虚拟机运行,包括之前的RHEL版本. 包含 Kernel 3.10 版本,支持 swap 内存压缩可保证显著减少 I/O 并提高性能,采用 NUMA (统一内存访问) 的调度和内存分配,支持 APIC…
前言 自从LiteFlow 2.5.X版本发布依赖,陆续经历了10个小版本的迭代.社区群也稳固增长,每天都有很多小伙伴在问我问题. 但是我发现最多人问我的还是:什么时候能支持界面编排? 从LiteFLow的发展规划上来说,未来一定会支持界面编排,但是在支持界面编排之前.有一些地基必须得打牢固,这是前提,这就像走台阶,没有跨上第二级台阶,是无法到达第三级台阶的. 所以从规划上来说,这个前提地基就是规则动态脚本的支持. 这一次,我们带来了2.6.0-BETA1版本,版本特性就是动态脚本的支持,同时支…
一 这个版本做的很折腾.期间几个issue推翻重做了好几次. 但我最终还是带来了LiteFlow 2.6.4这个重要版本. 虽然版本是小版本号升级,但是带来的更新可一点也不少.并完全向下兼容. 如果你是第一次知道LiteFlow这款框架,可以移步以下链接进行了解: 官网: Gitee仓库主页: Github仓库主页:…
Go 1.8 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.8 Changes to the language Ports Known Issues Tools Assembler Yacc Fix Pprof Trace Vet Compiler Toolchain Cgo Gccgo Default GOPATH Go get Go bug Go doc Plugins Runtime Argument Liveness Concurrent Map Misuse M…
ASP.NET Core 1.1.0 Release Notes We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET Core 1.1.0! Antiforgery AspNetCoreModule AzureIntegration BasicMiddleware Caching Common Configuration CORS DataProtection DependencyInjection Diagnostics DotNetTools…
New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesSubforms – Behavior Change for Unsupported Task ModeStarting with this version, if an Online task that is running in a Subform control cannot be executed, the task and the host task will remain o…
Magic xpa 2.5發佈 Magic xpa 2.5 Release Notes Magic xpa 2.5 Release NotesNew Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesCall with Destination – Backward Compatibility EnhancementsIn Online, the following scenarios are now possible: Calling a p…
homepage faq contribute bugs questions Git for Windows v2.11.0 Release Notes Latest update: December 1st 2016 Introduction These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core…
Go 1.11 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.11 Changes to the language Ports WebAssembly RISC-V GOARCH values reserved Tools Modules, package versioning, and dependency management Import path restriction Package loading Build cache requirement Compile…
Go 1.10 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.10 Changes to the language Ports Tools Default GOROOT & GOTMPDIR Build & Install Test Cgo Doc Fix Get Pprof Vet Diagnostics Gofmt Compiler Toolchain Assembler Gccgo Runtime Performance Garbage Collector C…